Anger Never Dies
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Anger Never Dies: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE LAm SOL RE RE LAm SOL RE FA#m SOL SOLm SIm SOL See the leaves how slow they tumble down SIm FA#m Covering the green and yellow lawn SIm SOL As proof of what has been and what will come SIm FA#m Enjoying hazy lights of early dawn SOL It ain't good enough, SOLm Good enough, good enough FA#m SOL LA to try and not succeed (succe--d) RE LAm Anger never dies SOL It's part of live RE It's part of you LAm The end will cease the fire SOL And make us accept RE FA#m SOL SOLm We tend to lo---------se SIm SOL See the tears how slow they tumble down SIm FA#m Covering believe in empty vows SIm SOL As proof of what has been and what will be SIm FA#m Alcohol puts us both to sleep SOL It ain't good enough, SOLm Good enough, good enough FA#m SOL LA to try and not succeed (succe--d) RE LAm Anger never dies SOL It's part of live RE It's part of you LAm The end will cease the fire SOL And make us accept RE FA#m SOL SOLm We tend to lo----------se SIm SOL SIm FA# SIm SOL SOLm RE LAm Anger never dies SOL It's part of live RE It's part of you LAm The end will cease the fire SOL And make us accept RE We tend to lose LAm Anger never dies SOL It's part of live RE It's part of you LAm The end will cease the fire SOL And make us accept RE FA#m SOL We tend to lo---------se SOLm RE We tend to lo-----se
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Anger Never Dies: Video
Anger Never Dies è un brano composto e inciso dagli Hooverphonic, contenuto nell'album The Night Before pubblicato nel 2011. Settimo disco di inediti per la band fiamminga, vede l'avvicendarsi come cantante tra Geike Arnaert e la new entry Noémie Wolfs che però rimarrà per soli quattro anni. La canzone porta la firma del compositore Alex Callier ed è la traccia d'apertura dell'album; sicuramente la hit trainante di tutto il progetto.
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