A Man Without Love
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A Man Without Love: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE RE MIm MIm7+ MIm7 I can remember when we walked together LA RE RE7+ Sharing a love I thought would last forever RE MIm MIm7+ Moonlight to show the way so we can follow MIm7 LA RE RE7+ Waiting inside her eyes was my tomorrowMIb MIb7+ Then something changed her mind, FAm FAm7+ FAm7 her kisses told me SIb7 I had no loving arms to hold me MIb MIb7+ Every day I wake up, then I start to break up MIb6 SIb11 Lonely is a man without love SIb7 SIb11 Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out SIb7 MIb Lonely is a man without love MIb7+ Every day I wake up, then I start to break up MIb6 SIb11 SIb7 Knowing that it's cloudy above SIb11 Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out SIb7 MIb Lonely is a man without loveRE RE RE7+ I cannot face this world MIm MIm7+ MIm7 that's fallen down on me LA RE RE7+ So if you see my girl, please send her home to me RE RE7+ MIm MIm7+ MIm Tell her about my heart that's slowly dying MIm7 LA7 Say I can't stop myself from crying RE RE7+ Every day I wake up, then I start to break up RE6 LA11 Lonely is a man without love LA7 LA11 Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out LA7 RE SIb7 Lonely is a man without loveMIb MIb7+ Every day I wake up, then I start to break up MIb6 SIb11 Knowing that it's cloudy above SIb7 SIb11 Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out SIb7 MIb Lonely is a man without love MIb7+ Every day I wake up, then I start to break up MIb6 SIb11 Lonely is a man without love SIb7 SIb11 Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out SIb7 MIb MIb7+ MIb6 MIb Lonely is a man... without love
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A Man Without Love: Video
A Man Without Love è un brano reinterpretato e inciso da Engelbert Humperdinck, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 1968. Terza fatica discografica per l'artista nato in India, viene realizzata dopo il grande successo di Release Me del 1967, ancora oggi il suo cavallo di battaglia per eccellenza. La canzone è la versione inglese della nota Quando Mi Innamoro, scritta nello stesso anno da Daniele Pace, Mario Panzeri e Roberto Livraghi . Fu presentata al Festival di Sanremo '68 da Anna Identici.
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