Sweet Sixteen
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Sweet Sixteen: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LAm LAm I'll do anything For my sweet sixteen And I'll do anything For little run away child FA Gave my heart an engagement ring LAm She took everything SOL Everything I gave her LAm Oh, sweet sixteen FA Built a moon for a rocking chair SOL I never guessed it would rock her far from here Oh, oh, oh, oh FA SOL Someone's built a candy castle LAm For my sweet sixteen FA SOL Someone's built a candy brain LAm And filled it in Well, I'll do anything For my sweet sixteen Oh, I'll do anything For little runaway child FA Well, memories will burn you LAm Memories grow older as people can SOL They just get colder LAm Like sweet sixteen FA Oh, I see it's clear SOL Baby, that you are all through here Oh, oh, oh, oh FA SOL Someone's built a candy castle LAm For my sweet sixteen FA SOL Someone's built a candy house LAm To house her in, oh-oh FA SOL Someone's built a candy castle LAm For my sweet sixteen FA SOL Someone's built a candy brain LAm And filled it in LAm And I do anything For my sweet sixteen Oh, I do anything For little run away girl FA DO SOL FA DO Yeah, sad alone and blue SOL FA Hey, gettin' over you DO SOL FA DO How, how do you think it feels? Yeah SOL To get up in the morning, talk to you Up in the morning, get over you Wipe away the tears, get over you Get over, get over LAm My sweet sixteen Oh, runaway child Oh, sweet sixteen Little runaway girl FA Gave my heart an engagement ring LAm She left everything SOL Everything I gave her LAm Sweet sixteen FA Built a moon for a rocking chair SOL I never guessed it would rock her far from here Oh, oh, oh... FA SOL Someone's built a candy castle LAm For my sweet sixteen FA SOL Someone's built a candy house LAm To house her in, oh FA SOL Someone's built a candy castle LAm For my sweet sixteen FA SOL Someone's built a candy house LAm To house her in And I'll do anything For my sweet sixteen Oh, I'll do anything For little runaway child Do anything For my sweet sixteen I'll do anything For little runaway girl Little runaway girl Oh, sweet sixteen Oh sweet sixteen Oh-oh...
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Sweet Sixteen: Video
Sweet Sixteen è un brano scritto e interpretato da William Michael Albert Broad, meglio conosciuto come Billy Idol, contenuto nell'album Whiplash Smile pubblicato nel 1986. Terzo lavoro in studio per l'artista londinese, riscuote grande successo specialmente oltre oceano totalizzando oltre un milione di copie tra USA e Canada. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto da esso, una ballata pop-folk perfetta per essere accompagnata con la chitarra. Buon divertimento!
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