The Truth
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The Truth: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI ...Let me tell you why I love him LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI 'Cause he is the truth, said he is so real LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And I love the way that he makes me feel LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And if I am a reflection of him LAm then I must be fly SOL/SI REm DO/MI Because his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI I remember the very first day that I saw him LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI I found myself immediately intrigued by him LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI It's almost like I knew this man from another life LAm SOL/SI Like back then maybe I was his husband REm DO/MI maybe he was my wife LAm SOL/SI And even things I don't like about him REm DO/MI are fine with me LAm SOL/SI 'Cause it's not hard for me to understand him REm DO/MI cause he's so much like me LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And it's truly my pleasure to share his company LAm SOL/SI And I know that it's God's gift to breathe The air he breathes LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI 'Cause he is the truth, said he is so real LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And I love the way that he makes me feel LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And if I am a reflection of him LAm then I must be fly SOL/SI REm DO/MI Because his light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI (no)... LAm SOL/SI REm How can the same man that makes me so mad DO/MI (Do you know what he did) LAm SOL/SI REm Turn right around and kiss me so soft DO/MI (Girl, do you know what he did) LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI If he ever left me I wouldn't even be sad no LAm SOL/SI 'Cause there's a blessing in every lesson REm DO/MI And I'm glad that I knew him at all LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI 'Cause he is the truth, said he is so real LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And I love the way that he makes me feel LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And if I am a reflection of him LAm then I must be fly SOL/SI FA Because his light it shines so bright no... LAm I love the way he speaks SOL6/SI I love the way he thinks DOadd9 I love the way that he treats his mama REm I love that gap in between his teeth LAm SOL6/SI I love him in every way that a woman can love a man DOadd9 REm DO/MI From personal to universal but most of all FA It's unconditional ...You know what I'm talking about LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI That's the way I feel LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And I always will LAm SOL/SI There ain't no substitute for the truth REm DO/MI Either it is or isn't ('Cause he is the truth) LAm SOL/SI You see the truth it needs no proof REm DO/MI Either it is or it isn't ('Cause he is the truth) LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI Now you know the truth by the way it feels LAm SOL/SI REm DO/MI And if I am a reflection of him LAm then I must be fly SOL/SI REm Because he is, yes, he is DO/MI LAm I wonder does he know
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The Truth: Video
The Truth è un brano scritto e interpretato da India Arie Simpson, contenuto nell'album Voyage to India pubblicato nel 2002. Secondo lavoro in studio per la cantautrice del Colorado, si rivela l'apice del suo successo... aggiudicandosi ben due Grammy Award come "miglior album R&B" e "miglior performance di musica urban/alternative". La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto dal disco ed è scritta insieme a Shannon Sanders, Anthony Roberson e Drew Ramsey; racconta di un amore puro, forte e autentico.
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