The Number Of The Beast
The Number Of The Beast: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea for the Devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows the time is short... Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast for it is a human number its number is Six hundred and sixty six" Riff/Strofa: e|----------------------------------------- B|----------------------------------------- G|----------------------------------------- D|-------4---5---7-----7-----7-----7-----7- A|-5-5-5---5---5---5-5---5-5---5-5---5-5--- E|----------------------------------------- pm.......................................... e|----------------------------------------- B|----------------------------------------- G|----------------------------------------- D|-------2---3---5-----5-----5-----5-----5- A|-3-3-3---3---3---3-3---3-3---3-3---3-3--- E|----------------------------------------- pm......................................... RE I left alone my mind was blank DO I needed time to think to get RE the memories from my mind DO What did I see can I believe that what I saw RE that night was real and not just fantasy DO Just what I saw in my old dreams were they RE reflections of my warped mind staring back at me 'Cos in my dream it's always there DO the evil face that twists my mind RE and brings me to despair RE DO6/9 RE RE The night was black was no use holding back DO RE 'Cos I just had to see was someone watching me In the mist dark figures move and twist DO RE Was this all for real or some kind of hell DO SOL/SI DO RE 66--6 the number of the beast DO SOL/SI DO RE Hell and fire was spawned to be released RE Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised DO RE As they start to cry hands held to the sky In the night the fires burning bright DO RE The ritual has begun Satan's work is done DO SOL/SI DO RE 66--6 the number of the beast DO SOL/SI DO RE MIm FA Sacrifice is going on tonight RE MIm FA RE MIm FA RE MIm FASIb FA SIb FA SIb FA SIb FA REm DO SIb FA SOL LA DO REm FA SOL SIb DO REm FA SOL SIb DO REm FA SOL SIb DO REm FA SOL SIb DO REm FA SOL SIb DO REm FA SOL SIb DORE This can't go on I must inform the law DO RE Can this still be real or just some crazy dream But I feel drawn towards the evil chanting hordes They seem to mesmerise me ... DO RE can't avoid their eyes DO SOL/SI DO RE 66--6 the number of the beast DO SOL/SI DO RE 66---6 the one for you and me RE I'm coming back I will return DO RE And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn I have the fire I have the force DO RE I have the power to make my evil take it's course RE DO6/9 RE DO RE
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The Number Of The Beast: Video
La canzone fu scritta dal bassista e leader Steve Harris dopo la vista del film horror La Maledizione di Damien (1978) e parla di un uomo che, errando, scopre un angolo di Inferno con persone che compiono sacrifici e riti satanici. Nonostante l'iniziale stupore e sgomento però, costui cade in trance si unisce a loro. E' molto noto l'intro di The Number Of The Beast, recitato con voce cupa dallo stesso Bruce Dickinson nonostante il produttore degli Iron Maiden avesse insistito continuamente nel fargli cantare quelle prime quattro righe. Ragion per cui, indispettito, per anni Dickinson non le ha mai recitate dal live fino a pochi anni or sono. The Number Of The Beast è tra le canzoni metal più quotate in assoluto, nonchè la title-track dell'omonimo album pubblicato nel 1981 e divenuto una delle colonne portanti dell'Heavy Metal di tutti i tempi.
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