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Mornin’: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: RE7+/9 RE7+/9 Mornin' Mr. Radio Mornin' little Cheerios Mornin' sister Oriole LAm7/9 SIm7 LAm7/9 SIm7 Did I tell you everything is fine RE7+/9 SOLm7 In my mind? RE7+/9 Mornin' Mr. Shoe Shine Man Shine 'em bright in white and tan My baby said she loves me and Need I tell you that LAm7/9 MIm11 LAm7/9 MIm11 Everything here is just fine RE7+/9 In my mind SIb7+ 'Scuse me if I sing RE7+/9 My heart has found its wings DO11 Searchin' high and low LA11 And now at last I know... RE7+/9 SOLm7 RE7+/9 Mornin' Mr. Golden Gate I should walk but I can't wait I can't wait to set it straight LAm7 SOL7+ I was shakin' but now I am FA#m7 LAm7 MIm11 LAm7 MIm11 Makin' it fine RE7+/9 Here in my mind MIm7 FA#m7 SOL7+ SOL6 DO#7/5- My heart will soar FA#m7/9 FA#m7 SI7/5- With love that's rare and real MIm11 MIm7 DO#m7/5- FA#7 SI7+/9 My smiling face will feel every cloudDO#m7 RE#m7 SOL#m7 DO#9 Then hi----gher still DO#7/5- FA#7+/9 RE#m7 Beyond the blue until SOL#m7 I know I can LA#m7 Like any man SI7+ Reach out my hand DO#11 RE7+/9 And touch the face of God...SOLm7 RE7+/9 RE7+/9 SIm7 SOL7+ LA13 LAm7 MIm11 LAm7 MIm11 RE7+/9 SIb7+ 'Scuse me if I sing RE7+/9 My heart has found its wings DO11 Searchin' high and low LA11 And now at last I knowMIb7+/9 Mornin' Mr. Radio Mornin' little Cheerios Mornin' sister Oriole DOm7 LAb7+ DOm11 SIbm7 FAm11 SIbm7 FAm11 Did I tell you everything is fine MIb7+/9 LAbm7 Woo, in my mind? MIb7+/9 So, won't you get up Oriole? So, won't you get up Cheerios? Wake up Mr. Radio.... DOm7 LAb7+ DOm11 SIbm7 FAm11 SIbm7 FAm11 ...It's fine MIb7+/9 Here in my mind
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Mornin’: Video
Mornin' è un brano scritto e inciso da Al Jarreau, nato Alwin Lopez Jarreau, contenuto nell'album Jarreau pubblicato nel 1983. Sesta fatica discografica per il jazzista del Wisconsin, riscuote ottimi consensi di pubblico e critica tanto da aggiudicarsi ben quattro nomination ai Grammy Awards nel 1984. La canzone è la traccia d'apertura del disco ed è scritta insieme a David Foster e Jay Graydon; una delle sue hit più fortunate che mischia jazz e soul. Buon divertimento!
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