We’re in This Love Together
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We’re in This Love Together: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SIbadd9 FA11 SIbadd9 REm7 DOm7 FA11 SIb7+ SIbadd9/RE It's like a diamond ring DOm7/4 FA7 It's a precious thing SIb SIbadd9/RE DOm7 FA7 And we never want to lose it SIbadd9 SIbadd9/RE It's like a favorite song DOm7/4 FA7 That we love to sing SIbadd9 SIbadd9/RE DOm7 Every time we hear the music SIb SOLm7 DOm7/4 We're in this love together FA11 SIb7+/9 SOLm7 DOm7 We got the kind that lasts forever FA11 SIb SOLm7 DOm7/4 FA11 We're in this love together LAb11 And like berries on the vine FA11 SIb SIbadd9/RE DOm7 FA11 It gets sweeter all the ti---me SIb7+/9 SIbadd9/RE DOm7 FA11 SIb SIbadd9/RE DOm7 FA7 Its like a rainy night in candlelight SIb SIbadd9/RE DOm7 FA7 And, ooh it's so romantic SIb SIbadd9/RE We got the whole thing working DOm7 FA7 out so right SIb SIbadd9/RE DOm7 FA11 And it's just the way we planned it... SIb SOLm7 DOm7/4 We're in this love together FA11 SIb7+/9 SOLm7 DOm7 We got the kind that lasts forever FA11 SIb SOLm7 DOm7/4 FA11 We're in this love together LAb11 And like berries on the vine FA11 It gets sweeter all the time DOm7 SIb7+/9 MIb7+ SOL11DO7+ LAm7 REm7 SOL11 DO7+ LAm7 REm7/4 SOL11 MIm7 FA7+ DOadd9/MI LAm7 REm7 MIm7 LAb/SIb SOL11 DO7+/9 LAm7 REm7 We're in this love together SOL11 DO7+ LAm7 REm7 SOL11 We got the kind that lasts forever DO7+/9 LAm7 REm7 We're in this love together SOL11 DO7+ LAm7 We got the kind that lasts forever... REm7 DOadd9/MI LAb/SIb SOL11 DO7+/9 LAm7 REm7 We're in this love together SOL11 DO7+ LAm7 REm7 SOL11 We got the kind that lasts forever... DO7+/9 LAm7 REm7 SOL11 We're in this love together... DO7+ LAm7 REm7 DOadd9/MI LAb/SIb SOL11
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We’re in This Love Together: Video
We're in This Love Together è un brano interpretato e inciso da Al Jarreau, nato Alwin Lopez Jarreau, contenuto nell'album Breakin' Away pubblicato nel 1981. Sesto lavoro in studio per il soulman del Wisconsin, si rivela l'apice della sua carriera musicale aggiudicandosi ben tre Grammy Awards per l'interpretazione. La canzone è la principale artefice di tale successo: scritta da Roger Murrah e Keith Stegall, rimane una delle sue hit più conosciute ed apprezzate.
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