This Is The Last Time
This Is The Last Time: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!SOL SIm This is the last time DO SOL That I will say these words SIm I remember the first time DO SOL The first of many lies SOL7+ Sweep it into the corner DO/SOL SOL Or hide it under the bed SOL7+ Say these things they go away DO/SOL SOL But they never do DO7+ SIm Something I wasn't sure of MIm LA9 But I was in the middle of DO7+ SIm Something I forget now MIm RE/FA# But I've seen too little of SOL SIm7 The last time LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like SOL SIm7 Your one last line LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like MIm SIm7 And years make everything alright LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like MIm SIm LAm7 RE And I no I don't mind SOL SOL7+ This is the last time DO/SOL SOL That I will show my face SOL7+ One last tender lie DO/SOL SOL And then I'm out of this place SOL7+ So tread it into the carpet DO/SOL SOL Or hide it under the stairs SOL7+ Say that some things never die DO SOL Well I tried and I tried DO7+ SIm Something I wasn't sure of MIm LA9 But I was in the middle of DO7+ SIm Something I forget now MIm RE/FA# But I've seen too little of SOL SIm7 The last time LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like SOL SIm7 Your one last line LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like MIm SIm7 And years make everything alright LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like MIm SIm LAm7 RE And I no I don't mind SOL DO/SOL DOm SOL LAm7 SIm7 DO RE SOL SIm7 The last time LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like SOL SIm7 Your one last line LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like MIm SIm7 And years make everything alright LAm7 RE You fall on me for anything you like MIm7 SIm LAm7 RE SOL And I no I don't mind
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This Is The Last Time: Video
This Is The Last Time è stato il secondo singolo estratto dall'album d'esordio (Hopes And Fears, 2003) del trio britannico dei Keane. Fu inizialmente pubblicato dall'etichetta londinese indipendente Fierce Panda, poi però l'anno successivo i diritti furono venduti alla major Island Records, la quale nel Novembre 2004 ha rilasciato una nuova reincisione del pezzo, un singolo con la copertina differente ed altre B-side ed anche una rilavorazione del videoclip. Tale ultima versione è divenuta quella ufficiale poichè le precedenti della Fierce Panda (ben 3) erano state usate una come coreografia per l'esibizione nei live e le altre due rispettivamente per il solo mercato britannico ed americano. Composta dal tastierista Tim Rice-Oxley nel 2001, probabilmente è dedicata a dominic Scott, l'ex chitarrista del gruppo.
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