The Lovers Are Losing
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The Lovers Are Losing: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOLb REb SOLb REb ...What's up? REb I dreamed I was drownin' SIbm In the river Thames LAb I dreamed I had nothing at all SOLb REb Nothing but my own skin I dreamed I was drifting SIbm On the howlin' wind LAb I dreamed I had nothing at all SOLb REb Nothing but my own skin SIbm MIb Slipped away from your open hands SI SOLb Into the river SIbm MIb Saw your face looking back at me SI SOLb REb I saw my past, and I saw my future SOLb You take the pieces of the dreams that you have 'Cause you don't like the way REb they seem to be goin' SOLb You cut them up and spread them out on the floor REb You're full of hope as you begin rearranging SIadd9 Put it all back together SOLb REb But any way you look at things looks like LAb4 LAb7 The lovers are losing REb I dreamed I was watching SIbm The young lovers dance LAb I reached out to touch your hair SOLb REb But I was watching from a distance SIbm MIb We cling to love like a skidding car SI SOLb Clings to a corner SIbm MIb I try to hold onto what we are SI SOLb REb The more I squeeze, the quicker we alter SOLb You take the pieces of the dreams that you have 'Cause you don't like the way REb they seem to be goin' SOLb You cut them up and spread them out on the floor REb You're full of hope as you begin rearranging SIadd9 Put it all back together SOLb REb But any way you look at things looks like LAb4 LAb7 The lovers are losing LAb I dreamed I had nothing at all SIbm/LAb LAb SIbm/LAb LAb (Nothing but my own skin) I dreamed I had nothing at all SIbm/LAb LAb SIbm/LAb LAb (Nothing but my own skin) I dreamed I had nothing at all SIbm/LAb LAb SIbm/LAb LAb (Nothing but my own skin) I dreamed I had nothing at all SIbm/LAb LAb SIbm/LAb LAb (Nothing but my own skin) SOLb You take the pieces of the dreams that you have 'Cause you don't like the way REb they seem to be goin' SOLb You cut them up and spread them out on the floor REb You're full of hope as you begin rearranging SIadd9 Put it all back together SOLb REb But any way you look at things looks like LAb4 LAb7 The lovers are losing SOLb You take the pieces of the dreams that you have 'Cause you don't like the way REb they seem to be goin' SOLb You cut them up and spread them out on the floor REb You're full of hope as you begin rearranging SIadd9 Put it all back together SOLb REb But any way you look at things looks like LAb7/4 LAb7 The lovers are losing LAb
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The Lovers Are Losing: Video
The Lovers Are Losing è un brano scritto e inciso dai Keane, contenuto nell'album Perfect Symmetry pubblicato nel 2008. Terzo lavoro in studio per la band britannica, si discosta dai dischi precedenti sposando a pieno il Synth-pop "Anni Ottanta" e abbandonando gli arrangiamenti pianistici a vantaggio di chitarre, sax e sintetizzatori. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album, una vivace ballata pop dal ritmo incalzante perfetta per essere accompagnata con la chitarra.
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