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Monto: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
REb SOLb Well, if you've got a wing-o, REb SOLb Take her up to Ring-o REb SOLb REb LAb REb Where the waxies sing-o all the day If you've had your fill of porter, SOLb And you can't go any further REb SOLb REb LAb REb Give your man the order: 'Back to the Quay!' SOLb REb SOLb And take her up to Monto, Monto, Monto REb SOLb REb Take her up to Monto, lan-ge- roo, LAb REb To you! The dirty Duke of Gloucester, SOLb The dirty old impostor REb SOLb LAb REb Took mot and lost her, up the Furry Glen SOLb He first put on his bowler REb SOLb And he buttoned up his trousers, And he whistled for a growler REb and he says, 'My man!' SOLb REb SOLb Take me up to Monto, Monto, Monto REb SOLb REb Take her up to Monto, lan-ge- roo, LAb REb To you! SOLb You see the Dublin Fusiliers, REb SOLb The dirty old bamboozlers, REb SOLb LAb REb They went and got the childer, one, two, three SOLb Marching from the Linen Hall REb SOLb There's one for every cannonball, REb SOLb REb LAb REb And Vick's going to send them all, o'er the sea SOLb REb SOLb But first go up to Monto, Monto, Monto REb SOLb REb Take her up to Monto, lan-ge- roo, LAb REb To you! SOLb Now when the Tsar of Russia REb SOLb And the King of Prussia REb SOLb LAb REb Landed in the Phoenix Park in a big balloon, SOLb They asked the police band REb SOLb To play 'The Wearin' of the Green' REb SOLb LAb REb But the buggers in the depot didn't know the tune SOLb REb SOLb So they both went up to Monto, Monto, Monto REb SOLb REb Take her up to Monto, lan-ge- roo, LAb REb To you! The Queen she came to call on us, She wanted to see all of us I'm glad she didn't fall on us, REb LAb REb she's eighteen stone 'Mister Me Lord Mayor, ' says she, 'Is this all you've got to show me?' 'Why, no ma'am there's some more to see, REb LAb REb Pogue Ma--hone!' SOLb REb SOLb And he took her up Monto, Monto, Monto REb SOLb REb Take her up to Monto, lan-ge- roo, LAb REb To you!
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!


Autori: Anthony L. Ray, Dwayne Carter, Aubrey Drake Graham, Tyler Williams, Noah James Shebib
Copyright: © Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp

Monto: Video

Monto è un brano del repertorio folk irlandese, interpretato da uno dei massimi cantanti di questo genere musicale quale è Luke Kelly, che la inserì nelle sue esibizioni a partire dal 1966. Si tratta di una canzone risalente al 1958, quando nasceva dalla penna del cantautore di Dublino George Desmond Hodnett; la protagonista del testo è proprio la città di Dublino, in particolar modo del quartiere a luci rosse "The Monto" e la prima interpretazione fu ad opera di Ronnie Drew, durante le sue performance al Gate Theatre del 1966. Un viaggio nella città irlandese del diciannovesimo secolo!


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).