Wouldn’t It Be Good
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Wouldn’t It Be Good: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO/FA SIb SOLm7/9 DO DO/FA SIb SOLm7/9 DO DO/FA SIb SOLm7/9 DO LAm7 REm DO/FA SIb SOLm7/9 DO DO/FA SIb SOLm7/9 DO DO/FA SIb SOLm7/9 DO LAm7 REmMI5 SI5 I got it bad You don't know how bad I got it You got it easy You don't know when you've got it good SIm It's getting harder Just keeping life and soul together I'm sick of fighting DO SOL Even though I know I should SOLadd9 The cold is bitingFA#m DO#m Through each and every nerve and fiber MI SIm REadd9 My broken spirit is frozen to the core I don't wanna be here no moreFA SIb SOLm7 DO Wouldn't it be good to be in your shoes FA SIb SOLm7 DO Even if it was for just one day? FA SIb Wouldn't it be good SOLm7 DO LAm7 REm if we could wish ourselves away? FA SIb SOLm7 DO Wouldn't it be good to be on your side? FA SIb SOLm7 DO The grass is always greener over there FA SIb Wouldn't it be good SOLm7 DO LAm7 REm if we could live without a care?MI5 SI5 You must be joking You don't know a thing about it You've got no problem I'd stay right there if I were you SIm I got it harder You couldn't dream how hard I got it Stay out of my shoes DO SOL If you know what's good for you SOLadd9 The heat is stiflingFA#m DO#m Burning me up from the inside MI SIm The sweat is coming through each and every pore REadd9 I don't wanna be here no more I don't wanna be here no more DO#add9 I don't wanna be here no moreFA SIb SOLm7 DO FA SIb SOLm7 DO FA SIb SOLm7 DO LAm7 REm FA SIb SOLm DO FA SIb SOLm7 DO FA SIb SOLm7 DO LAm7 REm FA SIb SOLm7 DO Wouldn't it be good to be in your shoes FA SIb SOLm7 DO Even if it was for just one day? FA SIb Wouldn't it be good SOLm7 DO LAm7 REm if we could wish ourselves away?.... FA SIb SOLm7 DO Wouldn't it be good to be on your side? FA SIb SOLm7 DO The grass is always greener over there FA SIb Wouldn't it be good SOLm7 DO LAm7 REm if we could live without a care? FA SIb SOLm7 I got it bad DO FA You don't know how bad I got it SIb SOLm7 You got it easy DO FA You don't know when you've got it good SIb SOLm7 It's getting harder DO LAm7 Just keeping life and soul together REm I'm sick of fighting FA Even though I know I should SIb SOLm7 DO FA I don't want to be here no more SIb SOLm7 DO FA I don't want to be here no more...
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Wouldn’t It Be Good: Video
Wouldn't It Be Good è un brano scritto e interpretato da Nik Kershaw, contenuto nell'album Human Racing pubblicato nel 1984. Disco d'esordio per l'artista britannico, si rivela un ottimo successo specialmente nel UK, tanto da diventare il "passaporto" per salire sul palco dello storico "Live Aid" nel 1985. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album, una ballata in puro stile "New Wave" che diventerà una hit persino in Italia. Buon divertimento!
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