Without You
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Without You: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LAm FA7+ DO SOL LAm You cut out a piece of me, FA7+ and now I bleed internally DO SOL Left here without you, without you LAm And it hurts for me to think about FA7+ what life could possibly be like DO SOL Without you, without you LAm FA I can't believe that you would up and leave me DO Fuck all of your reasons (woah, woah) SOL I lost my shit, you know I didn't mean it LAm FA Now I see it, you run and repeat it DO And I can't take it back, SOL so in the past is where we'll leave it, aha LAm So there I go, oh FA Can't make a wife out of a hoe, oh DO I'll never find the words to say, I'm sorry MI7 But I'm scared to be alone LAm You cut out a piece of me, FA7+ and now I bleed internally DO Left here without you (no, no, no) SOL Without you (ooh) LAm And it hurts for me to think about FA7+ what life could possibly be like DO Without you (no, no, no) SOL Without you (no, no) LAm Oh-oh, woah, oh-oh, woah FA7+ Oh-oh, woah, oh-oh, woah DO SOL Without you, without you, ooh LAm Oh-oh, woah, oh-oh, woah FA7+ Oh-oh, woah, oh-oh, woah DO SOL Without you, without you LAm Feels like sleeping with a ghost FA7+ I called you up to let you know DO SOL I really wish that we could've got this right LAm So there I go, oh FA Can't make a wife out of a hoe, oh (no) DO I'll never find the words to say, I'm sorry But I'm scared to be alone (oh) LAm You cut out a piece of me, FA and now I bleed internally DO Left here without you (no, no, no), SOL without you (ooh-ooh, ooh) LAm And it hurts for me to think about FA what life could possibly be like DO Without you (no, no, no) SOL Without you (no, no) LAm Oh-oh, woah, oh-oh, woah FA Oh-oh, woah, oh-oh, woah DO SOL Without you, without you
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Without You: Video
Without You è un brano scritto e inciso da Charlton Kenneth Jeffrey Howard, noto come The Kid Laroi, contenuto nel mix tape F*ck Love pubblicato nel 2020. Primo progetto discografico per il rapper di Sydney, si rivela un immediato successo internazionale aggiudicandosi oltre 4 milioni di copie. La canzone è il quarto singolo estratto e vede la partecipazione della cantante del Tennessee Miley Cyrus; un pezzo pop acustico diventato virale su TikTok.
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