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Me Love: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb See the first time me looking at your eyes LAb REb Me be tell you want a guy like me (guy like me) SOLb We use to ave good times on the evening LAb REb Me and you chilling on the beach (on the beach) SOLb We use to kiss and caress an trust me LAb REb Girl it feels so sweet (feels so sweet) SOLb Den one day you move LAb Now I'm feeling kinda blue Cause we had to see you leave (you leave) REb SOLb LAb4 I feel like I'm drowning in the ocean REb SOLb LAb4 LAb Somebody come and take me away REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb LAb4 Now I'm sitting in a chair wit no one here LAb REb And I'm feeling all alone (all alone) SOLb Thinking to myself like LAb4 LAb REb Damn why my baby up and gone (up and gone) SOLb It's like I'm missing her LAb4 LAb REb and I know shes missing me (missing me) SOLb LAb Its been two years an a half in July will make it three (make it three) REb SOLb LAb4 LAb I feel like I'm drowning in the ocean REb SOLb LAb4 LAb Somebody come and take me away REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb Why you leave me, why you leave me LAb Baby tell me, baby tell me REb SOLb Why you leave me, why you leave me, LAb why you leave me REb SOLb Why you leave me, why you leave me LAb Baby tell me, baby tell me REb SOLb Why you leave me, why you leave me, LAb why you leave me REb/FA SOLb LAb4 LAb I feel like I'm drowning in the ocean REb/FA SOLb LAb4 LAb Somebo-dy come and take me away REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb LAb ooh... (Why you leave me, why you leave me...) REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love REb SOLb LAb ooh... REb Why did you have to go-oh SOLb LAb4 LAb Away from home, me love
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Me Love: Video

Me Love è un brano scritto e interpretato da Sean Kingston, all'anagrafe Kisean Paul Anderson, contenuto nell'album eponimo pubblicato nel 2007. Disco d'esordio per l'artista nato a Miami, riscuote ottimi consensi a livello internazionale superando, complessivamente, le 700,000 copie vendute. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album, scritta insieme al produttore sudafricano Jonathan Reuven Rotem; contiene il campionamento di D'Yer Mak'er, pezzo dei Led Zeppelin del 1973.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).