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Gratitude: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SI SOL#m7 FA#4 MIadd9 SI All my words fall short SOL#m7 I got nothing new FA#4 How could I express MIadd9 All my gratitude? SI I could sing these songs SOL#m7 As I often do FA#4 But every song must end MIadd9 And You never do SI So I throw up my hands FA#4 And praise You again and again MIadd9 'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah SOL#m7 FA# Halle--lujah SI And I know it's not much FA#4 But I've nothing else fit for a King MIadd9 Except for a heart singing hallelujah SOL#m7 FA#4 SI Halle--lu----jah SI I've got one response SOL#m7 I've got just one move FA#4 With my arm stretched wide MIadd9 I will worship You SI So I throw up my hands FA#4 And praise You again and again MIadd9 'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah SOL#m7 FA# Halle--lujah SI And I know it's not much FA#4 But I've nothing else fit for a King MIadd9 Except for a heart singing hallelujah SOL#m7 FA#4 SI Halle--lu----jah ... SI So come on, my soul Oh, don't you get shy on me SI7+ Lift up your song MIadd9/SI 'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs SI Get up and praise the Lord Oh come on, my soul Oh, don't you get shy on me FA#4 Lift up your song MIadd9 'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs SI FA# Get up and praise the Lo--rd SI Come on, my soul Oh, don't you get shy on me FA#4 Lift up your song MIadd9 'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs SOL#m7 FA# Get up and praise the Lord, hey... MIadd9 SOL#m7 FA# MIadd9 Praise the Lord SOL#m7 FA# MIadd9 SOL#m7 Praise the Lord FA# MIadd9 SOL#m7 FA# Praise the Lord MIadd9 SOL#m7 FA# MIadd9 SI So I throw up my hands FA#m And praise You again and again MIadd9 'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah MIm6+ Hallelujah SI And I know it's not much FA#m But I've nothing else fit for a King MIadd9 Except for a heart singing hallelujah MIm6+ SI Hallelu---jah
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Gratitude: Video
Gratitude è un brano scritto e interpretato da Brandon Lake, contenuto nell'album House of Miracles pubblicato nel 2020. Secondo lavoro in studio per il cantautore di Dallas, esce quando questi è ormai una figura riconosciuta nel mondo della musica leggera di ispirazione religiosa in tutti gli Stati Uniti. La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto dal disco ed è scritta insieme a Benjamin Hastings e Dante Bowe; un'intensa ballad nata durante un viaggio in Australia.
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