I Got You
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I Got You: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOL RE MIm DO SOL RE A place to crash MIm I got you DO No need to ask SOL I got you RE Just get on the phone MIm I got you DO Come and pick you up if I have to SOL What's weird about it RE Is we're right at the end MIm7 And mad about it DO MIm7 Just figured it out in my head RE I'm proud to say I got you SOL Go ahead and say goodbye RE I'll be alright MIm7 DOadd9 Go ahead and make me cry SOL I'll be alright RE MIm7 And when you need a place to run to DOadd9 For better for worse SOL RE I got you... MIm DOadd9 I got you SOL RE MIm Ain't falling apart, or bitter DO Let's be bigger than that and remember SOL RE/FA# The cooling outdoor when you're all alone MIm We'll go on surviving DO MIm No drama, no need for a show RE Just wanna say I got you SOL RE/FA# Go ahead and say goodbye I'll be alright MIm7 DOadd9 Go ahead and make me cry SOL I'll be alright RE MIm7 And when you need a place to run to DOadd9 For better for worse I got you SOL RE/FA# Go ahead and say goodbye (go ahead) I'll be alright (say goodbye) MIm DOadd9 Go ahead and make me cry I'll be alright SOL RE MIm7 And when you need a place to run to DOadd9 For better for worse I got you RE 'Cause this is love and life MIm7 SOL And nothing we can both control (I got you) DOadd9 And if it don't feel right RE You're not losing me by letting me know (I got you)... MIm7 DO SOL RE MIm7 DO6 SOL RE SOL RE/FA# So go ahead and say goodbye (say goodbye) I'll be alright MIm7 DOadd9 Go ahead and make me cry SOL I'll be alright RE MIm7 And when you need a place to run to DOadd9 For better for worse I got you SOL RE/FA# Go ahead and say goodbye (go ahead) I'll be alright (say goodbye) MIm7 DOadd9 Go ahead and make me cry SOL I'll be alright RE MIm7 And when you need a place to run to DOadd9 For better for worse SOL I got you RE A place to crash MIm7 I got you DOadd9 No need to ask I got you
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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I Got You: Video
I Got You è un brano interpretato e inciso da Leona Lewis, contenuto nell'album Echo pubblicato nel 2009. Secondo disco di inediti per la cantante londinese, prende spunto nel titolo dal preciso obbiettivo di dare al progetto un sound ricco, coinvolgente ed organico, come l'eco che risuona in una grande vallata! La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album e porta le firme di Arnthor Birgisson, Max Martin e Savan Kotecha; un pezzo che fonde elementi pop con altri R&B.
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