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Behind Blue Eyes: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: MIm SOL6 REadd9 DOadd9 LAadd9 MIm SOL6 No one knows what it's like REadd9 To be the bad man DOadd9 To be the sad man LA Behind blue eyes MIm SOL6 And no one knows what it's like REadd9 To be hated DOadd9 LA To be fated to telling only lies DOadd9 RE SOL But my dre----ams they aren't as empty DOadd9 RE MI MI4 MI As my conscience seems to be SIm DOadd9 I have hours, only lonely RE My love is vengeance LAadd9 That's never free MIm SOL6 No one knows what its like REadd9 To feel these feelings DOadd9 Like I do LAadd9 And I blame you MIm SOL6 No one bites back as hard REadd9 On their anger DOadd9 None of my pain and woe LAadd9 Can show through DOadd9 RE SOL But my dre-----ams they aren't as empty DOadd9 RE MI MI4 MI As my conscience seems to be SIm DOadd9 I have hours, only lonely RE My love is vengeance LAadd9 That's never free MIm SOL REadd9 DOadd9 LAadd9 MIm SOL REadd9 DOadd9 LAadd9 MIm SOL6 No one knows what its like REadd9 DOadd9 To be mistreated, to be defeated LAadd9 Behind blue eyes MIm SOL6 An no one know how to say REadd9 DOadd9 That they're sorry and don't worry LAadd9 I'm not telling lies DOadd9 RE SOL But my dre-----ams they aren't as empty DOadd9 RE MI MI4 MI As my conscience seems to be SIm DOadd9 I have hours, only lonely RE My love is vengeance LAadd9 That's never free MIm SOL6 No one knows what its like REadd9 To be the bad man DOadd9 To be the sad man LA Behind blue eyes
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!


Copyright: © ESSEX

Behind Blue Eyes: Video

Behind Blue Eyes è un brano tra i classici del rock, reinterpretato dai Limp Bizkit, la cui versione è contenuta nell'album Results May Vary pubblicato nel 2003. Quarto lavoro in studio per la band della Florida, vede l'abbandono del chitarrista Wes Borland che viene sostituito da Mike Smith dopo un lungo giro di provini. La canzone risale al 1971, quando nasceva dal genio del gruppo britannico The Who; fa parte del loro quinto album Who's Next.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).