Unforgivable Sinner
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Unforgivable Sinner: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIm DO7+ RE DO7+ MIm DO7+ RE DOadd9 MIm Kinda lose your sense of time DO 'Cause the days don't matter no more RE All the feelings that you hide DOadd9 LAm9 Gonna tear you up inside RE You hope she knows you tried MIm Follows you around all day DO And you wake up soaking wet RE 'Cause between this world and eternity DO LAm9 There is a face you hope to see, yeah MIm You know where you've sent her DO7+ You should know where you are RE You're trying to ease off SOL But you know you won't get far DOadd9 RE And now she's up there, sings like an angel SOL RE/FA# MIm But you can't hear those wor--------ds DO7+ RE And now she's up there, sings like an angel MIm Unforgivable sinner MIm You've been walking around in tears DO7+ No answers are there to get RE You will never be the same DO7+ Someone cries and you're to blame MIm Struggling with a fight inside DO7+ Sorrow, you'll defeat RE The picture you see, it won't disappear DO7+ LAm9 Not unpleasant dreams or her voice you hear MIm You know where you've sent her DO7+ You should know where you are RE You're trying to ease off SOL But you know you won't get far DOadd9 RE And now she's up there, sings like an angel SOL RE/FA# MIm But you can't hear those wor--------ds DO7+ RE And now she's up there, sings like an angel MIm DO RE DO7+ Unforgivable sinner MIm DO7+ RE DO7+ LAm MIm Maybe one time lost but now you're found RE DOadd9 Stand right up before you hit the ground LAm MIm Maybe one time lost but now you're found RE DOadd9 Stand right up before you hit the ground, ...hit the ground MIm You know where you've sent her DO7+ You should know where you are RE6 You're trying to ease off SOL But you know you won't get far DOadd9 RE And now she's up there, sings like an angel SOL RE/FA# MIm But you can't hear those wor--------ds DO7+ RE And now she's up there, sings like an angel MIm DO7+ RE DO7+ Unforgivable sinner MIm DO7+ RE DO MIm
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Unforgivable Sinner: Video
Unforgivable Sinner è un brano scritto e interpretato da Lene Marlin, all'anagrafe Lene Marlin Pedersen, contenuto nell'album Playing My Game pubblicato nel 1999. Disco d'esordio per la cantautrice norvegese, si rivela un grande successo internazionale superando il milione di copie vendute e vendendone solo in Italia ben 130,000. La canzone è il primo singolo estratto dall'album ed è inserita nella colonna sonora del film "Schpaa"; pezzo che le valse un MTV Europe Music Award!
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