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White Light: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: SIm SIm I'm back I'm back Prouder than ever baby Louder than ever maybe SIm One more pill Just one more beer SOLm One less star in the atmosphere LAm For us SIm Maybe she just wanted to be free Heartless pictures on TV SOLm Change that channel that could've been me LAm I said SIm Maybe she just wanted to be free SIm/FA# SOL LA So I just kept breathing my friends RE LA/DO# SIm Waiting for the man to choose SIm/FA# SOL LA Saying this ain't the day that it ends RE LA/DO# 'Cause there's no white light SOL7+ And I'm not through LA/SOL I'm alive SOL7+ I'm alive SIm And I've got so much more SOL7+ that I want to do with the music LA/SOL Was it music that saved me? SOL7+ Or the way that you prayed for me? SIm Guess either way I thank you I'm alive SIm Hotel Motel makes it clear SOLm LAm One more voice we will never hear again SIm But maybe he just wanted to be free And I don't know What the hell what the gods SOLm What the fuck I'm saying Half the time LAm But something devine oh devine SIm Brought me back to you And I know it SIm/FA# SOL LA So I just kept breathing my friends RE LA/DO# SIm Waiting for some god to choose SIm/FA# SOL LA Saying this ain't the day that it ends RE LA/DO# 'Cause there's no white light SOL7+ And I'm not through LA/SOL I'm alive SOL7+ I'm alive SIm And I've got so much more SOL7+ that I want to do with the music LA/SOL Was it music that saved me? SOL7+ Or the way that you prayed for me? SIm Guess either way I thank you I'm alive MIm7 And tomorrow is mine SIm I said tomorrow is mine MIm7 Said I just got to keep on breathing SIm LA I said no don't let go SIm Breathing, breathing, breathing... SIm Got to keep on Got to keep on Got to keep on SOL7+ I just got to keep on breathing LA/SOL I'm alive SOL7+ I'm alive SIm And I got so much more that I want to give SOL7+ Was it music? LA/SOL Was it science that saved me? SOL7+ Or the way that you prayed and prayed for me? SIm Well I thank you I'm alive Yeah...
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



White Light: Video

White Light è un brano scritto e interpretato da George Michael, pubblicato come singolo nel 2012. Canzone che il cantautore britannico compone in occasione dei Giochi Olimpici di Londra, svoltisi quell’anno, viene presentata dal vivo proprio durante la cerimonia di chiusura della manifestazione. Si tratta di una ballata pop-dance dal sound prettamente elettronico e dal ritmo deciso ed incalzante; interessante ricavarne una versione acustica, buon divertimento!


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).