Dig up Her Bones
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Dig up Her Bones: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm SIbm SOLb REb LAb SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm Anything is what she is SOLb LAb SIbm Anywhere is where she's from SOLb LAb SIbm Anything is what she'll be SOLb LAb SIbm Anything as long as it's mine SOLb LAb SIbm LAb SIbm And the door, it opens the way back in SOLb LAb SIbm LAb SIbm Or is it the way back out? SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm Anyplace is where she'll be SOLb LAb SIbm Anyplace, she'll see you from SOLb LAb SIbm Lies and secrets become your world SOLb LAb SIbm Any time, anywhere, she takes me away SOLb LAb SIbm LAb SIbm And death climbs up the steps one by one SOLb LAb SIbm LAb SIbm To give you the rose That's been burnt by her sun SIbm SOLb REb LAb Point me to the sky above SIbm SOLb REb LAb I can't get there on my own SIbm SOLb REb LAb Walk me to the graveyard SIbm SOLb REb LAb Dig up her bo- oah-oah-oah-oah-oah-oah- SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm -ones SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm SIbm SOLb LAb SIbm I have seen the demon's face SOLb LAb SIbm I have heard of her death place SOLb LAb SIbm I fall down on my knees in praise of the SOLb LAb SIbm Horrible things that took her away SOLb LAb SIbm LAb SIbm And death climbs up the steps one by one SOLb LAb SIbm LAb SIbm To give you the rose That's been burnt by her sun SIbm SOLb REb LAb Point me to the sky above SIbm SOLb REb LAb I can't get there on my own SIbm SOLb REb LAb Walk me to the graveyard SIbm SOLb REb LAb Dig up her bo- oah-oah-oah-oah-oah-oah- SIbm SOLb REb LAb Point me to the sky above SIbm SOLb REb LAb I can't get there on my own SIbm SOLb REb LAb Walk me to the graveyard SIbm SOLb REb LAb Dig up her bo- oah-oah-oah-oah-oah-oah- SIbm SOLb REb LAb Woah oah- oah-oah-oah-oah-oah-oah SIbm -oah
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Dig up Her Bones: Video
Dig up Her Bones è un brano composto e inciso dai Misfits, contenuto nell'album American Psycho pubblicato nel 1997. Primo disco dopo lo scioglimento, è il simbolo della rinascita della band statunitense. Ritorno che viene accolto positivamente dai vecchi fan ma anche tra i nuovi appassionati del loro stile. La canzone è l'unico singolo estratto dal disco, il più conosciuto.
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