Take Yours
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Take Yours: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DOm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb MIb Take yours, and I'll take mine SIb DOm On the right hand side LAb MIb I'll rest, and you'll find SIb DOm That you take rest in wine LAb So take these words MIb And make them right SIb DOm So one day you and I LAb Will write our names MIb In the sky SIb We'll confide DOm LAb MIb SIb/MIb And I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm LAb MIb SIb/MIb And I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm LAb MIb If I throw away my fear and pride SIb To set things right DOm LAb MIb SIb Then I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb DOm LAb MIb And brothers and sisters SIb DOm Fill these cups with life LAb MIb Please forgive them SIb DOm7 'Cause they know not their lives LAb So take these words MIb And make them right SIb DOm7 So one day you and I LAb Will write our names MIb In the sky SIb We'll confide DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb And I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb And I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb If I throw away my fear and pride SIb To set things right DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb Then I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm LAb MIb SIb Ah... DOm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb MIb SIb DOm LAb MIb SIb DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb And I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb And I'll find mine on the right of your side DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb And if I throw away my fear and pride SIb To set things right DOm7 LAbadd9 MIb SIb Then I'll find mine on the right of your side
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Take Yours: Video
Take Yours è un brano scritto e inciso da Matthew Mole, contenuto nell'album The Home We Built pubblicato nel 2013 come primo disco in studio per il cantautore sudafricano, al tempo reduce dalla sua prima esperienza cinematografica collaborando alla colonna sonora del film "Leading Lady" con la canzone Same Parts, Same Heart. Questa canzone, invece, è la terza traccia dell'album: una ballata cantautorale che racconta la vita di coppia, in cui il perdono e la comprensione sono fondamentali.
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