Line Without a Hook
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Line Without a Hook: Chords
I don't really give a damn LAb about the way you touch me FAm When we're alone REb You can hold my hand MIb If no one's home LAb FAm Do you like it when I'm away? REb If I went and hurt my body, baby MIb Would you love me the same? LAb I can feel all my bones coming back FAm And I'm craving motion REb MIb Mama never really learned how to live by herself LAb It's a curse FAm And it's growing REb MIb You're a pond and I'm an ocean LAb FAm Oh, all my emotions REb MIb LAb Feel like explosions when you are around FAm REb MIb And I've found a way to kill the sounds, oh LAb FAm REb Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you MIb LAb I need you here to stay FAm REb I broke all my bones that day I found you MIb LAb Crying at the lake FAm REb Was it something I said to make you feel MIb like you're a burden? LAb FAm Oh, and if I could take it all back REb MIb LAb I swear that I would pull you from the tide FAm7 REb7+ MIb Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa LAb FAm I said no, I said no REb MIb Listen close, it's a no LAb FAm The wind is a-pounding on my back REb MIb And I found hope in a heart attack LAb FAm Oh at last, it is past REb MIb Now I've got it, and you can't have it LAb FAm REb Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you MIb LAb I need you here to stay FAm REb I broke all my bones that day I found you MIb LAb Crying at the lake FAm REb Was it something I said to make you feel MIb like you're a burden? Oh LAb FAm And if I could take it all back REb MIb SIbm LAb DOm I swear that I would pull you from the ti---------de... SIbm LAb DOm SIbm LAb DOm Darling, when I'm fast asleep SIbm LAb DOm I feel your dreams begin to bleed SIbm LAb DOm Saying, "Is it worth it? Is it worth it? SIbm MIb LAb FAm7 REb MIb Tell me, is it worth it?" LAb FAm7 REb7+/9 MIb6 LAb Is it worth it? LAb FAm 'Cause there is something, and there is nothing REb MIb There is nothing in between LAb FAm REb And in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer MIb Watching over me, he's singing LAb FAm REb MIb "She's a, she's a lady, and I am just a boy" LAb FAm He's singing, "She's a, she's a lady, REb MIb and I am just a line without a hook" LAb FAm REb Oh, baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you MIb LAb I need you here to stay FAm REb Broke all my bones that day I found you MIb Crying at the lake LAb FAm REb Was it something I said to make you feel MIb like you're a burden? Oh LAb FAm And if I could take it all back REb MIb LAb I swear that I would pull you from the tide
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Line Without a Hook: Video
Line Without a Hook è un brano scritto e interpretato da Ricky Montgomery, contenuto nell'album Montgomery Ricky pubblicato nel 2016. Si tratta del disco d'esordio per il cantautore di Los Angeles, che nel frattempo si era trasferito per qualche anno a Saint Louis per poi tornare nella città natale che gli ha permesso una carriera artistica importante. La canzone diventa molto popolare solo nel 2020 grazie a TikTok ed è una vivace ballata pop in 12/8 perfetta per la chitarra, buon divertimento!
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