I Won’t Let You Go
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I Won’t Let You Go: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO DO When it's black LAm Take a little time to hold yourself FA DO Take a little time to feel around before it's gone LAm You won't let go but you still keep on falling down FA DO Remember how you save me now from all of my wrongs Yeah If there's love just feel it LAm And if there's life we'll see it This is no time to be alone, alone yeah FA SOL DO I... won't let you go DO Say those words LAm Say those words like there's nothing else FA Close your eyes and you might believe DO That there is some way out Yeah LAm Open up open up your heart to me now FA Let it all come pouring out DO There's nothing I can't take And if there's love just feel it LAm And if there's life we'll see it This is no time to be alone, alone yeah FA SOL DO I... won't let you go (Won't let you go) (Won't let you go) DO If your sky is falling LAm Just take my hand and hold it You don't have to be alone, alone yeah FA SOL DO I... won't let you go (Won't let you go) (Won't let you go) LAm SOL/SI DO And if you feel the fading of the light FA SOL DO And you're too weak to carry on the fight FA And all your friends SOL LAm that you count on have disappeared DO FA DO I'll be here not gone, forever holding on DO If there's love just feel it LAm And if there's life we'll see it This is no time to be alone, alone yeah FA SOL DO I... won't let you go (Won't let you go) (Won't let you go) If your sky is falling LAm Just take my hand and hold it You don't have to be alone, alone yeah FA SOL DO I... won't let you go (Won't let you go) (Won't let you go) I won't let you go I won't let I won't let you go No, I won't let I won't let you go I won't let you go
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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I Won’t Let You Go: Video
I Won't Let You Go è un brano scritto e interpretato da James Morrison, all'anagrafe James Morrison Catchpole, contenuto nell'album The Awakening pubblicato nel 2011. Terzo lavoro in studio per il cantautore britannico, conferma il suo ottimo successo specialmente in patria dove si aggiudica oltre 300,000 copie vendute. La canzone è il singolo di lancio del disco, uno dei suoi cavalli di battaglia, e si presenta come una ballata cantautorale dedicata ad una ragazza. Buon divertimento!
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