Without You
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Without You: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIadd9 MI MIadd9 MI MIadd9 MI No, I can't forget this evening SOL#m9 SOL#m Or your face as you were leaving FA#m9 FA#m SOL#4 SOL# But I guess that's just the way the story goes DO#m DO#m/SI FA#/LA# You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows FA# MIadd9 LA/SI SI LA/SI Yes, it shows MIadd9 MI No, I can't forget tomorrow SOL#m9 SOL#m When I think of all my sorrow FA#m9 FA#m SOL#7 When I had you there, but then I let you go DO#m DO#m/SI FA#/LA# And now it's only fair that I should let you know FA# MIadd9 LA/SI SI LA/SI What you should know MI DO#m I can't live if living is without you FA#m LA/SI SI7 I can't live, I can't give anymore MI DO#m I can't live if living is without you FA#m LA/SI SI7 I can't give, I can't give anymore MIadd9 MI Well, I can't forget this evening SOL#m9 SOL#m Or your face as you were leaving FA#m9 FA#m SOL#7 But I guess that's just the way the story goes DO#m DO#m/SI FA#/LA# You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows FA# MIadd9 LA/SI SI LA/SI Yes, it shows MI DO#m I can't live if living is without you FA#m LA/SI SI7 I can't live, I can't give anymore MI DO#m I can't live if living is without you FA#m LA/SI SI7 I can't give, I can't give anymore... MI DO#m FA#m LA/SI SI7
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Without You: Video
Without You è un brano interpretato e inciso da Harry Nilsson, pubblicato come singolo nel 1972 e che il cantautore di New York realizza dopo il successo di Everybody's Talkin', contenuta nella colonna sonora del film "Midnight" del 1969 diretto da John Schlesinger. Musica e parole, però, risalgono al 1968 quando nascevano dalla penna di Peter Ham e Tom Evans: fu incisa in origine dai britannici Badfinger, ma è stata poi la cover di Harry Nilsson a trasformarla in una hit mondiale.
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