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Less Than: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: FA5 MIb5 FA5 MIb5 FA5 FA5 MIb/REb Focus? MIb FA5 MIb/REb MIb We didn't even notice FA5 We awake in a place MIb/REb MIb We can barely recognize, yeah FA5 REb/MIb MIb Hypnosis LAb5 SIb5 And you can justify it all LAb5 SIb5 FA5 Your back is up against the wall again FA5 REb/MIb MIb Shut up, silence FA5 REb/MIb MIb Add a little violence FA5 And offend and pretend MIb/REb MIb FA5 REb/MIb MIb And defend and demand my compliance LAb5 SIb5 And you can always justify LAb5 SIb5 FA5 The missile trails across the sky again FA5 REb5 LAb5 So what are you waiting for? MIb5 SIb5 You got what you asked for LAb5 REb Did it fix what was wrong with you? MIb5 FA5 Are you less than? REb5 LAb5 Go and look what you've gone done MIb5 SIb5 Welcome oblivion LAb5 REb Did it fix what was wrong with you? SIb5 Are you less than? FA5 MIb/REb Needful MIb FA5 MIb/REb MIb Too many fucking people FA5 MIb/REb You'll have to take care of yourselves MIb FA5 MIb/REb MIb You know I've got my hands full LAb5 SIb5 And you can always justify LAb5 SIb5 FA5 The missile trails across the sky again REb5 LAb5 So what are you waiting for? MIb5 SIb5 You got what you asked for LAb5 REb Did it fix what was wrong with you? MIb5 FA5 Are you less than? REb5 LAb5 Go and look what you've gone done MIb5 SIb5 Welcome oblivion LAb5 REb Did it fix what was wrong inside? SIb5 FA5 Are you less than? FA5 REb LAb5 MIb5 SIb5 LAb5 REb MIb5 REb5 LAb5 So what are you waiting for? MIb5 SIb5 You got what you asked for LAb5 REb Did it fix what was wrong with you? MIb5 FA5 Are you less than? REb5 LAb5 Go and look what you've gone done MIb5 SIb5 Welcome oblivion LAb5 REb Did it fix what was wrong inside? SIb5 Are you less than?
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Less Than: Video

Less Than è un brano composto e inciso dai Nine Inch Nails, contenuto nel EP Add Violence pubblicato nel 2017: un progetto che rappresenta il "secondo tempo" della trilogia iniziata nel 2016 con Not the Actual Events e che la rockband dell'Ohio intende dedicare al tema della violenza, sotto tutte le sue forme. La canzone è la traccia d'apertura del disco nonché il primo singolo estratto da esso; un energico pezzo industrial metal che in poco meno di tre minuti riesce a comunicare diversi stati d'animo ed emozioni.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).