Don’t Call Me White
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Don’t Call Me White: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!FA#5 LA5 MI5 Don't call me white, don't call me white FA#5 LA5 MI5 Don't call me white, don't call me white Riff: e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|--------------------------------| D|---4-4-4-4---6-7-7-6--...--2----| A|---6-6-6-6---7-7-7-7--...--2<<<-| E|---------------------------0<<<-| FA#5 LA5 MI5 Your connotations wearing my nuts thin FA#5 LA5 MI5 Could it be semantics generating the mess we're in FA#5 LA5 I understand that language FA#5 MI5 breeds stereotype LA5 But what's the explanation for the malice, for the spite? FA#5 LA5 MI5 Don't call me white, don't call me white FA#5 LA5 MI5 Don't call me white, don't call me white FA#5 LA5 MI5 I wasn't brought here, I was born FA#5 LA5 MI5 Circumsized, categorized, allegiance sworn FA#5 LA5 does this mean I have to take such shit FA#5 MI5 for being fair skinned, no! LA5 I ain't part of no conspiracy I'm just your average Joe FA#5 LA5 MI5 Don't call me white, don't call me white FA#5 LA5 DO#5 Don't call me white, don't call me white SI5 Represents everything I hate LA5 MI5 The soap shoved in your mouth to cleanse the mind DO#5 A vast majority I've sheep SI5 a buttoned collar, starched and bleached LA5 constricting veins, the blood flow to the brain slows MI5 they're so fuckin ordinary FA#5 LA5 MI5 White, Don't call me white Riff MI5 RE5 LA5 Oh, we're better off this way MI5 RE5 LA5 Oh, say what you're gonna say FA#5 LA5 So go ahead and label me FA#5 MI5 an asshole cause I can LA5 Accept responsibility for what I've done FA#5 but not for who I am LA5 MI5 Don't call me white FA#5 LA5 MI5 Don't call me white, don't call me white
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Don’t Call Me White: Video
Don't Call Me White è una canzone del 1994, scritta dai NOFX e rilasciata con l'album Punk In Drublic. Il singolo è stato rilasciato in versione limitata, inciso su di un vinile bianco e la canzone è stata reincisa anche dai Rancid in occasione del BYO Split Series Vol.3, l'album prodotto da entrambi i gruppi assieme.
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