Never Back Down
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Never Back Down: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LA SOL/LA LA SOL/LA LA SOL RE MI What have you done SOL RE Putting aside all I feel SIm SIm/LA MIm Driving me out your hand on the wheel RE MI SOL I'm only your friend when you depend upon me RE SIm SIm/LA MIm Taking your time to get back on your feet LA I don't mind if lies keep talking MIm Never back down it hurts me so much RE LA I don't mind this I'm glad to leave the earth SOL RE/FA# It haunts me never back down never back down LA SOL/LA LA SOL/LA LA SOL Get it back RE MI what have you done SOL RE Putting aside what's real SIm SIm/LA MIm Driving me out your hand on the wheel RE MI SOL RE I'm blaming myself as if nobody else is to blame SIm SIm/LA MIm Taking your time to get back to your game LA I don't mind if lies keep talking MIm Never back down it hurts me so much RE LA I don't mind this I'm glad to leave the earth SOL RE/FA# It haunts me never back down never back down LA SOL/LA LA SOL/LA LA SOL Get it back RE MI SOL RE MI MIm7 RE MI just give me back love now SOL Give me my love now Just give me back love now SIm LA MIm7/9 SOL Give me my love now LA never back down Lies keep talking MIm You never back down Hurts me so much RE Never back down LA Glad to leave the earth Haunts me SOL Never back down Hurts me RE/FA# But you never back down LA SOL/LA LA SOL/LA LA SOL Just never back
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Never Back Down: Video
Never Back Down è un brano composto e inciso dai Novastar, contenuto nell'album Another Lonely Soul pubblicato nel 2004. Secondo lavoro in studio per la band dei Paesi Bassi, riscosse ottimo successo specialmente in patria (e in Belgio, da cui parte della band proviene) ranngiungendo in poco tempo la vetta delle classifiche nazionali. Complice di tale successo è sicuramente questa canzone: scritta da Piet Goddaer e dal cantante Joost Zweegers, fu il loro primo singolo a conoscere popolarità in tutta Europa; partecipò, con successo, persino al Festivalbar 2006.
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