Alone Again
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Alone Again: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: FA# LA#m7 SOL#m7 DO#7/9- FA# FA#7+ In a little while from now LA#m7 If I'm not feeling any less sour DO#m I promise myself to treat myself LA#m7/5- RE#7 And visit a nearby tower SOL#m7 And climbing to the top SOL#m7/5- Will throw myself off FA# In an effort to FA#5+ Make it clear to who ever FA#6 FA7 Wants to know what it's like when you're shattered LA#m LA#m7/5- Left standing in the lurch at a church RE#7 SOL#m7 Were people saying, My God, that's tough She stood him up SIm No point in us remaining FA#7+ We may as well go home LA#m7 RE#9 As I did on my own SOL#m7 DO#7/9- FA# Alone again, naturally FA#7+ To think that only yesterday LA#m7 I was cheerful, bright and gay DO#m Looking forward to who wouldn't do LA#m7/5- RE#7 The role I was about to play SOL#m7 But as if to knock me down SOL#m7/5- Reality came around FA# FA#5+ And without so much as a mere touch FA#6 FA7 Cut me into little pieces LA#m Leaving me to doubt LA#m7/5- RE#7 Talk about, God in His mercy SOL#m7 Oh, if he really does exist SIm Why did he desert me FA#7+ In my hour of need LA#m7 RE#9 I truly am indeed SOL#m7 DO#7/9- FA# Alone again, naturally LA It seems to me that MI7 There are more hearts broken in the world SOL#m7/5- DO#7 That can't be mended LA RE#m7/5- Left unattended DO#7+ What do we do SOL#m7 DO#11 DO#7 What do we do FA#7+ LA#m7 DO#m LA#m7/5- RE#9 SOL#m7 SIm FA# FA#5+ FA#6 FA7 LA#m LA#m7/5- RE#7 SOL#m7 SOL#m7/5- FA#7+ LA#m7 RE#9 SOL#m7 DO#7/9- FA# Alone again, naturally FA#7+ Looking back over the years LA#m7 And whatever else that appears DO#m I remember I cried when my father died LA#m7/5- RE#7 Never wishing to hide the tears SOL#m7 And at sixty-five years old SOL#m7/5- My mother, God rest her soul FA# FA#5+ Couldn't understand why the only man FA#6 FA7 She had ever loved had been taken LA#m Leaving her to start LA#m7/5- RE#7 With a heart so badly broken SOL#m7 Despite encouragement from me SIm6+ No words were ever spoken FA#7+ And when she passed away LA#m7 RE#9 I cried and cried all day SOL#m7 DO#7/9- LA#m7 RE#9 Alone again, naturally SOL#m7 DO#7/9- DO#7 FA# Alone again, naturally
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Alone Again: Video
Alone Again è un brano scritto e interpretato da Raymond Edward O'Sullivan, noto come Gilbert O'Sullivan, pubblicato come singolo in 45 giri nel 1972. Composta e incisa dal cantautore irlandese nel 1971, viene realizzata come anteprima del suo secondo album Back to front, confermando il grande successo del precedente Himself. Il testo racconta la triste vicenda di un uomo in preda alla solitudine e all'abbandono... con in mente un oscuro pensiero suicida.
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