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Home: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIb LAb/MIb MIb DOm SIb MIb MIb LAb/MIb MIb DOm SIb MIb MIb SIb MIb They say home is where the heart is DOm SIb MIb But my heart is wild and free SIb MIb So am I homeless or just heartless DOm SIb MIb Did I start this, did it start me MIb LAb MIb DOm SIb MIb MIb SIb MIb They say fear is for the brave DOm LAb MIb For cowards never stare it in the eye SIb MIb So am I fearless to be fearful DOm LAb MIb Does it take courage to learn how to cry SIb DOm LAb SIb So many winding roads DOm LAb So many miles to go MIb SIb MIb DOm LAb MIb MIb SIb MIb DOm LAb MIb MIb SIb MIb They say love is for the loving DOm LAb MIb And without love maybe nothing is real SIb MIb So am I loveless do I just love less DOm LAb MIb Oh since love left I've nothing left to feel SIb DOm LAb SIb So many winding roads DOm LAb So many miles to go MIb DOm When I start feeling sick of it all SIb LAb It helps to remember I'm a brick in the wall MIb DOm SIb LAb That runs down from the hillside to the sea MIb DOm And when I start feeling that it's gone too far SIb LAb I lie on my back and stare up at the stars MIb DOm SIb LAb And wonder if they're staring back at me MIb DOm When I start feeling sick of it all SIb LAb It helps to remember I'm a brick in the wall MIb DOm SIb LAb That runs down from the hillside to the sea MIb DOm And when I start feeling that it's gone too far SIb LAb I lie on my back and stare up at the stars MIb DOm SIb LAb And wonder if they're staring back at me MIb DOm When I start feeling sick of it all SIb LAb It helps to remember I'm a brick in the wall MIb DOm SIb LAb That runs down from the hillside to the sea MIb DOm And when I start feeling that it's gone too far SIb LAb I lie on my back and stare up at the stars MIb DOm SIb LAb And wonder if they're staring back at me MIb DOm When I start feeling sick of it all SIb LAb It helps to remember I'm a brick in the wall MIb DOm SIb LAb That runs down from the hillside to the sea MIb DOm And when I start feeling that it's gone too far SIb LAb I lie on my back and stare up at the stars MIb DOm SIb LAb And wonder if they're staring back at me MIb DOm SIb LAb MIb DOm SIb LAb
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Home: Video
Home è un brano scritto e interpretato da Michael David Rosenberg, noto al pubblico col nome d'arte Passenger, contenuto nell'album Young as the Morning, Old as the Sea pubblicato nel 2016. Settimo lavoro in studio per il cantautore britannico, ottiene riscontri positivi specialmente in patria. La canzone è la traccia di chiusura del disco, una dolcissima ballata pop in stile cantautorale e dal sound prettamente acustico. Brano ottimo per la chitarra!
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