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Dogs: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: REm7/9 SIb LA11 LAb4+/9 REm7/9 You gotta be crazy Gotta have a real need SIb Gotta sleep on your toes and when you're on the street You got to be able to pick out the easy meat with LA11 your eyes closed Then moving in silently downwind and out of sight LAb4+/9 You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking REm7/9 And after a while You can work on points for style SIb Like a club tie and a firm handshake A certain look in the eye and an easy smile LA11 You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to LAb4+/9 So that when they turn their backs on you You'll get the chance to put the knife in REm7/9 SIb LA11 LAb4+/9 REm7/9 You've gotta keep one eye Looking over your shoulder You know SIb It's gonna get harder, harder, harder As you get older ...Yeah LA11 And in the end you'll pack up fly down south And hide your head in the sand LAb4+/9 Just another sad old man REm7/9 All alone and dying of cancer SIb6/9 LA11 LAb4+/9 REm7/9 DO REm DO REm DO SIb DO/SIb SIb7+ DO/SIb SIb DO/SIb SIb7+ FA MIb FA MIb REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 SIb DO/SIb SIb DO/SIb SIb/LA LA FA DO/MI REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 SIb DO/SIb SIb DO/SIb SIb DO SIb DO REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 REm REm11 SIb DO/SIb SIb DO/SIb LA5+ LA FA DO/MI REm DO/RE REm DO/RE And when you lose control REm DO/RE REm DO/RE REm DO/RE you'll reap the harvest you have sown REm DO/RE REm DO/RE And as the fear grows REm SIb LA the bad blood slows and turns to stone... FA DO/MI REm DO/RE REm And it's too late to lose the weight DO/RE REm DO/RE REm DO/RE you used to need to throw around SIb DO/SIb SIb DO/SIb REm/LA LA So have a good drown as ya go down all alone FA5+ DO/MI REm Dragged down by the stone... SIb/RE LA4 LAb4+/9 REm9 SIb/RE LA4 LAb4+/9 REm9 SIb/RE LA4 LAb4+/9 REm9 SIb/RE LA4 LAb4+/9 REm7/9 SIb LA11 LAb4+/9 REm7/9 Gotta admit That I'm a little bit confused SIb Sometimes it seems to me As if I'm just being used LA11 Gotta stay awake gotta try and shake off This creeping malaise LAb4+/9 If I don't stand my own ground How can I find my way out of the maze? REm7/9 Deaf, dumb and blind You just keep on pretending SIb That everyone's expendable And no one has a real friend LA11 And it seems to you the thing to do Would be to isolate the winner LAb4+/9 And everything's done under the sun And you believe at heart everyone's a killer REm7/9 SIb LA11 LAb4+/9 REm DO REm DO REm DO SIb DO/SIb SIb7+ SIb DO/SIb SIb7+ FA MIb FA MIb REm DO/MI FA DO/MI REm DO Who was born in a house full of pain REm/FA DO/MI REm DO Who was trained not to spit in the fan FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was told what to do by the man FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was broken by trained personnel FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was fitted with collar and chain FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was given a "pat on the back” FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was breaking away from the pack (breaking away) FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was only a stranger at home (only a stranger) FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was ground down in the end (ground down) FA6 DO/MI REm DO Who was found dead on the phone (found dead) FA6 DO/MI SIb LA Who was dragged down by the stone... FA6 DO/MI REm7/9 Who was dragged down by the stone
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Dogs: Video

Dogs è un brano composto e inciso dai Pink Floyd, contenuto nell'album Animals pubblicato nel 1977. Decima fatica discografica per la band di Cambridge, si presenta come un concept album ideato dal bassista Roger Waters e incentrato su una critica alla situazione socio-politica del UK durante gli anni Settanta. La canzone copre quasi interamente il lato A del LP, un pezzo di ben 17 minuti che inizia sullo sfumando dell'introduzione acustica di David Gilmour; nasceva nel 1974 da una bozza intitolata "Gotta Be Crazy".


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).