Big Log
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Big Log: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LAm7 LAm SOL REm FA7+ MIm REm LAm7 LAm7 My love is in league with the freeway REm Its passion will rise as the cities fly by SOL And the tail lights dissolve in the coming of night LAm FA SOL And the questions and thousands take flight LAm7 My love is miles in awaiting REm The eyes that just stare and the glance at the clock SOL In the secret that burns FA and the pain that won't stop FAm/MIb And it's fueled with the yearsREb7+/9 DOm7 Leading me on (leading me on) FA FAm/MIb Leading me down the road REb7+/9 DOm7 Driving me on (driving me on) FA DOm7 FA DOm7 FA Driving me down the roadSOL FA SOL FA LAm7 LAm SOL REm FA7+ LAm7 LAm7 My love is exceeding the limit REm Red eyed and fevered with the hum of the miles SOL Distance and longing, my thoughts do collide LAm FA SOL Should I rest for a while at the side? LAm7 Your love is cradled in knowing REm Eyes in the mirror still expecting their prey SOL Sensing too well when the journey is done LAm7 There is no turning back, no There is no turning back... on the run LAm SOL REm FA7+ MIm REm LAm7 My love is in the league REm With the freeway SOL Oh, with the freeway LAm7 And the coming of the night time REm My love SOL LAm My love is in the league with the freeway REm SOL LAm
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Big Log: Video
Big Log è un brano scritto e interpretato da Robert Plant, contenuto nell'album The Principle of Moments pubblicato nel 1983. Si tratta del secondo lavoro in studio da solista per il cantante britannico, al quale hanno collaborato alle sessioni di registrazione importanti nomi del rock internazionale: uno su tutti Phil Collins! La canzone è il brano di chiusura del lato B ed è scritta insieme a Robbie Blunt e Jezz Woodroffe; un'ottima fusione tra rock e gusto melodico.
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