Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head)
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Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head): Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed REb Yeah, I don't wanna fall asleep, I don't wanna pass away REb7+ I been thinking of our future, 'cause I'll never see those days SOLb7+ I don't know why this has happened, but I probably deserve it SOLb7 I tried to do my best, but you know that I'm not perfect REb I been praying for forgiveness, you've been praying for my health REb7+ When I leave this Earth, hoping you'll find someone else SOLb7+ 'Cause, yeah, we still young, there's so much we haven't done SOLb7 Getting married, start a family, watch your husband with his son REb I wish it could be me, but I won't make it out this bed REb7+ I hope I go to Heaven, so I see you once again SOLb7+ My life was kinda short, but I got so many blessings SOLb7 Happy you were mine, it sucks that it's all ending REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed (yeah...) REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed (ayy, yeah) REb I'm happy that you here with me, I'm sorry if I tear up REb7+ When me and you were younger, you would always make me cheer up SOLb7+ Taking goofy videos and walking through the park SOLb7 You would jump into my arms every time you heard a bark REb Cuddle in your sheets, sing me sound asleep REb7+ And sneak out through your kitchen at exactly 1:03 SOLb7+ Sundays, went to church, on Mondays, watched a movie SOLb7 Soon you'll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed... REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed REb REb7+ Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed SOLb7+ I'll make a cup of coffee for your head SOLb7 It'll get you up and going out of bed
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Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head): Video
Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) è un brano scritto e inciso da Powfu, all'anagrafe Isaiah Faber, contenuto nel EP Poems of the Past pubblicato nel 2020. Quinto lavoro in studio per il rapper canadese, segna l'inizio di una nuova fase per la sua produzione musicale dopo la tetralogia "Love stories" iniziata nel 2018. La canzone è il primo singolo estratto ed è scritta insieme alla filippina Beatrice Laus e Oscar Lang; un pezzo hip hop che si regge sul sample di Coffee, inciso dalla stessa Laus.
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