Back on the Chain Gang
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Back on the Chain Gang: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REadd9 LA/RE SOL REadd9 LA/RE MIm7 RE LA MIm7 SIm7 RE LA MIm7 SOL/SI RE LA MIm7 SOL REadd9 I found a picture of you, oh-oh LA MIm7 SOL Well, it hijacked my world at night REadd9 LA To a place in the past MIm7 SOL REadd9 we've been cast out of, oh-oh LA MIm7 SOL Now we're back in the fight MIm7 LA MIm7 LA We're back on the train, yeah MIm7 LA RE LA REadd9 LA Oh, back on the chain gang REadd9 LA MIm7 SOL REadd9 Circumstance beyond our control, oh-oh LA MIm7 SOL The phone, the TV and the news of the world REadd9 LA MIm7 SOL Got in the house like a pigeon from hell, oh-oh REadd9 LA MIm7 SOL Threw sand in our eyes and descended like flies MIm7 LA MIm7 LA We're back on the train, yeah MIm7 LA MIm7 LA Oh, RE LA MIm7 SOL back on the chain gang REadd9 LA MIm7 SOL REadd9 LA MIm7 SOL REREm LA7 REm The powers that be LA7 REm That force us to live like we do LA7 REm Bring me to my knees LA7 REm When I see what they've done to you REm LA7 REm LA7 REm LA7 REm Well, I'll die as I stand here today LA7 REm Knowing that deep in my heart LA7 REm They'll fall to ruin one day LA7 For making us part...MI SI LA SI MI SI LA SI7/4 MI I found a picture of you, oh-oh SI LA SI7/4 Those were the happiest days of my life MI SI LA SI7/4 Like a break in the battle was your part, oh-oh MI SI LA SI7/4 In the wretched life of a lonely heart LA SI LA SI Now I'm back on the train, yeah LA SI MI SI MI SI Oh, back on the chain gang... MI SI MI SI
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Back on the Chain Gang: Video
Back on the Chain Gang è un brano composto e inciso dal gruppo The Pretenders, pubblicato come singolo nel 1982 e che la band anglo-americana realizza per la colonna sonora del film "Re per una notte (The King of Comedy)", diretto da Martin Scorsese e uscito nelle sale nel 1983. Musica e parole portano la firma della frontman Chrissie Hynde ed è dedicata a James Honeyman-Scott: chitarrista del gruppo morto, in quello stesso anno per overdose. Fu inserita nel loro terzo album Learning to Crawl (1984).
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