When Doves Cry
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When Doves Cry: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL LAm SOL Dig if you will the picture LAm Of you and I engaged in a kiss SOL The sweat of your body covers me Can you my darling MI6 MI7 Can you picture this? LAm SOL Dream if you can a courtyard LAm An ocean of violets in bloom SOL Animals strike curious poses They feel the heat MI6 MI7 LAm The heat between me and you LAm SOL How can you just leave me standing? LAm Alone in a world that's so cold? (So cold) SOL Maybe I'm just too demanding MI6 MI7 Maybe I'm just like my father too bold LAm SOL Maybe you're just like my mother LAm She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied) SOL Why do we scream at each other This is what it sounds like MI6 MI7 When doves cry FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL LAm SOL Touch if you will my stomach LAm Feel how it trembles inside SOL You've got the butterflies all tied up Don't make me chase you MI6 MI7 Even doves have pride LAm SOL How can you just leave me standing? LAm Alone in a world that's so cold? (So cold) SOL Maybe I'm just too demanding MI Maybe I'm just like my father too bold LAm SOL Maybe you're just like my mother LAm She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied) SOL Why do we scream at each other This is what it sounds like MI6 MI7 When doves cry FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL FA LAm SOL LAm REm How can you just leave me standing? SOL LAm MI7 Alone in a world that's so cold? (So cold) LAm REm Maybe I'm just too demanding SOL MI Maybe I'm just like my father too bold LAm REm Maybe you're just like my mother SOL LAm MI7 She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied) LAm REm Why do we scream at each other SOL This is what it sounds like MI6 MI7 LAm REm SOL MI6 MI7 When doves cry LAm REm SOL MI6 MI7
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When Doves Cry: Video
When Doves Cry è un brano scritto e interpretato da Rogers Nelson, noto con lo pseudonimo Prince, contenuto nell'album Purple Rain pubblicato nel 1984. Sesto lavoro in studio per il cantautore di Minneapolis, riscuote grandissimo successo in tutto il mondo aggiudiancosi oltre 20 milioni di copie vendute. La canzone è uno dei singolo estratti dal disco, una tra le più conosciute del suo repertorio...icona perfetta del sound anni '80.
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