Right Down the Line
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Right Down the Line: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REm DO LAm FA REm DO LAm FA REm DO LAm FA DO SOL LAm DO/SOL FA REm DO LAm You know I need your love FA You've got that hold over me REm DO Long as I've got your love LAm FA You know that I'll never leave REm DO When I wanted you to share my life LAm FA I had no doubt in my mind DO SOL And it's been you, woman LAm DO/SOL FA Right down the line REm DO I know how much I lean on you LAm FA Only you can see REm DO The changes that I've been through LAm FA Have left a mark on me REm DO You've been as constant as a Northern Star LAm FA The brightest light that shines DO SOL It's been you, woman LAm DO/SOL FA Right down the lineRE SIm SOL I just want to say this is my way MI/SOL# LA Of tellin' you everythingFA REm I could never say beforeSIm SOL MI/SOL# Yeah, this is my way of tellin' youLA FA REm That every day I'm lovin' you so much more DO LAm FA 'Cause you believed in me through my darkest night REm DO Put somethin' better inside of me LAm FA You brought me into the light REm DO Threw away all those crazy dreams LAm FA I put them all behind DO SOL And it was you, woman LAm DO/SOL FA Right down the line REm DO LAm FA REm DO LAm FA REm DO LAm FA DO SOL LAm SOL FARE SIm SOL I just want to say this is my way MI/SOL# LA Of tellin' you everythingFA REm I could never say beforeSIm SOL MI/SOL# Yeah, this is my way of tellin' youLA FA REm That every day I'm lovin' you so much more DO If I should doubt myself LAm FA If I'm losing ground REm DO I won't turn to someone else LAm FA They'd only let me down REm DO When I wanted you to share my life LAm FA I had no doubt in my mind DO SOL And it's been you, woman LAm DO/SOL FA Right down the lineRE SIm SOL MI/SOL# LAFA REmSIm SOL MI/SOL# LAFA REm
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Right Down the Line: Video
Right Down the Line è un brano scritto e inciso da Gerry Rafferty, contenuto nell'album City to City pubblicato nel 1978. Secondo disco di inediti per il cantautore rock scozzese, è in realtà il suo primo progetto solista dopo l'esperienza (rivelatasi fallimentare) con l'amico Joe Egan formando il duo "Stealers Wheel". La canzone è il terzo singolo estratto, una ballata soft-rock con influenze reggae diventata una hit internazionale. Buon divertimento!
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