Sail Away
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Sail Away: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: LAm MIm LAm MIm LAm Once upon a time, we had a lot to fight for MIm We had a dream, we had a plan LAm Sparks in the air, we spread a lot of envy MIm Didn't have to care, once upon a time LAm Remember when I swore That love was never ending MIm That you and I would never die LAm Remember when I swore MIm We had it all RE We had it all MIm RE DOadd9 SOL/SI DOadd9 Sail away, it's time to leave SOL/SI LAm7 RE Rainy days are yours to keep MIm RE DOadd9 SOL/SI DOadd9 Fade away, the night is calling my name SOL/SI LAm7 RE You will stay, I'll sail away LAm Once upon a time, we used to burn candles MIm We had a place to call a home LAm The dream that we lived was better than divine MIm Every day was like a gift, once upon a time LAm Remember when you swore Your love was never ending MIm That you and I will never die LAm Remember when you swore MIm We had it all RE We'd never fall MIm RE DOadd9 SOL/SI DOadd9 Sail away, it's time to leave SOL/SI LAm7 RE Rainy days are yours to keep MIm RE DOadd9 SOL/SI DOadd9 Fade away, the night is calling my name SOL/SI LAm7 RE MIm You will stay, I'll sail awa---y LAm7 No reason to lie SOL FA# No need to pretend SI I'm grateful to die DO To live once again LAm7 I'm fearless to fly SOL FA# And reach for the end SI7 And reach for the end MIm RE6 DOadd9 SOL/SI DO SOL/SI LAm7 RE MIm RE6 DOadd9 SOL/SI DO SOL/SI LAm7 RE DO MIb Sail awa-----y...FA#m MI REadd9 LA/DO# REadd9 Sail away, it's time to leave LA/DO# SIm7 MI Rainy days are yours to keep FA#m MI REadd9 LA/DO# REadd9 Fade away, the night is calling my name LA/DO# SIm7 MI You will stay, I'll sail away FA#m MI REadd9 LA/DO# REadd9 Sail away... LA/DO# SIm7 MI The night is calling my name FA#m MI REadd9 LA/DO# REadd9 LA/DO# Sail away... SIm MI FA#m9
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Sail Away: Video
Sail Away è un brano composto e inciso dai The Rasmus, contenuto nell'album Hide from the Sun pubblicato nel 2005. Sesto disco di inediti per la band finlandese, riscuote ottimi consensi a livello internazionale raggiungendo i primi posti delle classifiche in Germania, Svizzera... e naturalmente in Finlandia! La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album, un'intensa ballata pop-rock dal gusto melodico in cui spicca la parte di violino che rende il pezzo ancor più emozionante.
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