Fall on Me
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Fall on Me: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO REm LAm There's a problem, feathers, iron REm LAm Bargain buildings, weights and pulleys REm LAm Feathers hit the ground REm LAm before the weight can leave the air REm SOL DO FA6 Buy the sky and sell the sky REm SOL and tell the sky and tell the sky DO REm FA SOL Don't fall on me (what is it up in the air for?) DO REm FA SOL Fall on me (if it's there for long) DO REm FA SOL FA FA/MI Fall on me (it's over, it's over me) REm LAm There's the progress we have found (when the rain) REm LAm A way to talk around the problem (when the children reign) REm LAm Building towered foresight (keep your conscience in the dark) REm LAm Isn't anything at all (melt the statues in the park) REm SOL DO FA6 Buy the sky and sell the sky REm SOL and bleed the sky and tell the sky DO REm FA SOL Don't fall on me (what is it up in the air for?) DO REm FA SOL Fall on me (if it's there for long) DO REm FA SOL FA Fall on me (it's over, it's over me) LAm Don't fall on me FA LAm Well, I could keep it above MIm LAm But then it wouldn't be sky anymore FA So if I send it to you, REm SOL you've got to promise to keep it whole REm SOL DO FA6 Buy the sky and sell the sky REm SOL DO FA6 and lift your arms up to the sky REm DO SOL And ask the sky and ask the sky DO REm FA SOL Don't fall on me (what is it up in the air for?) DO REm FA SOL Fall on me (if it's there for long) DO REm FA SOL FA FA/MI Fall on me (it's over, it's over me) DO REm FA SOL Don't fall on me (what is it up in the air for?) DO REm FA SOL Fall on me (if it's there for long) DO REm FA SOL FA FA/MI Fall on me (it's over, it's over me) FA/MI DO REm FA SOL Fall on me, don't fall on me... DO REm FA SOL Fall on me (if it's there for long) DO REm FA SOL FA Fall on me (it's over, it's over me)...
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Fall on Me: Video
Fall on Me è un brano composto e inciso dai Rem, contenuto nell'album Lifes Rich Pageant pubblicato nel 1986. Quarto disco di inediti per la band della Georgia, si rivela estremamente importante per la loro futura carriera musicale: è infatti il primo a guadagnarsi il Disco d'oro e riesce ad avere accesso alle principali radio statunitensi! La canzone, primo singolo estratto dall'album, è la principale artefice di tale successo e tratta l'argomento delle piogge acide. Prima prova di tema ambientalista.
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