Leaving New York
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Leaving New York: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: MIm MIb MIm MIb MIm MIb It's quiet now and what it brings DO SIb LAm is everything MIm MIb Comes calling back, a brilliant night, DO SIb DO I'm still awake MIm MIb DO SIb LAm I looked ahead, I'm sure I saw you there MIm MIb You don't need me to tell you now DO SIb DO that nothing can compare SOL RE You might have laughed if I told you DOadd9 LAm You might have hidden your frown SOL RE You might have succeeded in changing me DOadd9 LAm I might have been turned around SOL RE It's easier to leave than to be left behind DOadd9 LAm Leaving was never my proud SOL RE Leaving New York, never easy DOadd9 LAm I saw the light fading out MIm Now life is sweet, MIb DO SIb LAm and what it brings I tried to take MIm MIb But loneliness, it wears me out, DO SIb DO it lies in wait MIm And all not lost, still in my eye MIb Shadow of necklace across your thigh DO I might've lived my life in a dream, SIb LAm but I swear, this is real MIm Memory fuses and shatters like glass MIb Mercurial future, forget the past DO SIb DO It's you, it's what I feel SOL RE You might have laughed if I told you (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm You might have hidden your frown (change) SOL RE You might have succeeded in changing me (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm I might have been turned around (change) SOL RE It's easier to leave than to be left behind (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm Leaving was never my proud (change) SOL RE Leaving New York, never easy (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm I saw the light fading out MIm MIb MIm MIb You find it in your heart MIm It's pulling me apart MIb You find it in your heart Change... SOL I told you forever (find it in your heart) RE I love you forever (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 I told you I love you (find it in your heart) LAm I love you forever (change) SOL I told you forever (find it in your heart) RE I love you forever (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 I told you I love you (find it in your heart) LAm I love you forever (change) SOL RE You might have laughed if I told you (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm You might have hidden your frown (change) SOL RE You might have succeeded in changing me (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm I might have been turned around (change) SOL RE It's easier to leave than to be left behind (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm Leaving was never my proud (change) SOL RE Leaving New York, never easy (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm I saw the light fading out (change) SOL RE Leaving New York, never easy (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm I saw the light fading out (change) SOL RE Leaving New York, never easy (it's pulling me apart) DOadd9 LAm I saw the light fading out (change) MIb MIm
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Leaving New York: Video
Leaving New York è un brano composto e inciso dai Rem, contenuto nell'album Around the Sun pubblicato nel 2004. Tredicesimo disco di inediti per la band della Georgia, viene realizzato all'indomani della loro seconda raccolta antologica In Time: The Best of R.E.M. 1988-2003 ed il loro forte impegno nel protestare contro la guerra in Iraq. La canzone è la traccia d'apertura del disco nonché il primo singolo estratto; confessa il grande amore di Michael Stipe per New York City.
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