Man on the Moon
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Man on the Moon: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DO RE DO DO RE DO DO RE Mott the Hoople and the game of Life DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Monopoly, Twenty one, checkers, and chess DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Mister Fred Blassie in a breakfast mess DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Let's play Twister, let's play Risk DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE I'll see you in heaven if you make the list DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah LAm SOL Now, Andy did you hear about this one? LAm SOL Tell me, are you locked in the punch? LAm SOL DO Andy are you goofing on Elvis? Hey, baby RE Are we losing touch? SOL LAm DO SIm SOL If you believed they put a man on the moon LAm RE Man on the moon SOL LAm DO SIm LAm If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve Then nothing is cool DO RE Moses went walking with the staff of wood DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Newton got beaned by the apple good DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Mister Charles Darwin had the gall to ask DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah LAm SOL Now, Andy did you hear about this one? LAm SOL Tell me, are you locked in the punch? LAm SOL DO Andy are you goofing on Elvis? Hey, baby RE Are you having fun? SOL LAm DO SIm SOL If you believed they put a man on the moon LAm RE Man on the moon SOL LAm DO SIm LAm If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve Then nothing is cool MIm RE MIm RE MIm RE DO RE Here's a little agit for the never-believer DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Here's a little ghost for the offering DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah RE Mister Andy Kaufman's gone wrestling DO yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah LAm SOL Now, Andy did you hear about this one? LAm SOL Tell me, are you locked in the punch? LAm SOL DO Andy are you goofing on Elvis? Hey, baby RE Are we losing touch? SOL LAm DO SIm SOL If you believed they put a man on the moon LAm RE Man on the moon SOL LAm DO SIm LAm If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve MIm RE MIm RE MIm RE SOL LAm DO SIm SOL If you believed they put a man on the moon LAm RE Man on the moon SOL LAm DO SIm LAm If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve Then nothing is cool SOL LAm DO SIm SOL If you believed they put a man on the moon LAm RE Man on the moon SOL LAm DO SIm LAm If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve Then nothing is cool SOL LAm DO SIm SOL If you believed they put a man on the moon LAm RE Man on the moon SOL LAm DO SIm LAm If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve MIm Then nothing is cool
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Man on the Moon: Video
Man on the Moon è un brano scritto e inciso dai Rem, contenuto nell'album Automatic for the People pubblicato nel 1992. Ottavo lavoro in studio per la band statunitense, riscuote grande successo a livello internazionale specialmente negli USA dove si aggiudicano oltre 4 milioni di copie vendute. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dal disco ed è ispirata a Andy Kaufman, comico e attore statunitense. Canzone che a sua volta ispira il film omonimo dello stesso anno, basato sulla biografia di Kaufman e interpretato da Jim Carrey.
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Andy Kaufman era un comico. E “man on the moon” è stato un celebre film, interpretato da Jim Carry sulla vita di Kaufman.
12 Gennaio 2020 alle 15:24