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Unfaithful: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DOm LAb/DO DOm LAb/DO LAb LAb6 LAb7+ SOL4 SOL DOm LAb/DO Story of my life, searching for the right DOm LAb/DO But it keeps avoiding me LAb LAb6 Sorrow in my soul 'cause it seems that wrong LAb7+ SOL4 SOL Really loves my company DOm LAb/DO He's more than a man and this is more than love DOm LAb/DO The reason that the sky is blue LAb LAb6 The clouds are rolling in because I'm gone again LAb7+ SOL4 And to him, I just can't be true SOL LAb SIb And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful DOm SIb/RE And it kills him inside MIb LAb SIb LAbadd9 To know that I am happy with some other guy DOm I can see him dying LAb FAm I don't wanna do this anymore SIb DOm I don't wanna be the reason why LAb SIb Every time I walk out the door FAm DOm I see him die a little more inside LAb FAm I don't wanna hurt him anymore SIb LAbadd9 I don't wanna take away his life SIb DOm LAb/DO DOm LAb/DO I don't wanna be a murderer DOm LAb/DO I feel it in the air as I'm doin' my hair DOm LAb/DO Preparing for another date LAb LAb6 A kiss upon my cheek as he reluctantly LAb7+ SOL4 SOL7 Asks if I'm gonna be out late DOm I say I won't be long, LAb/DO just hanging with the girls DOm A lie I didn't have to tell LAb LAb6 Because we both know where I'm about to go LAb7+ SOL4 And we know it very well 'cause SOL LAb SIb And I know that he knows I'm unfaithful DOm SIb/RE And it kills him inside MIb LAb SIb LAbadd9 To know that I am happy with some other guy DOm I can see him dying LAb FAm I don't wanna do this anymore SIb DOm I don't wanna be the reason why LAb SIb Every time I walk out the door FAm DOm I see him die a little more inside LAb FAm I don't wanna hurt him anymore SIb LAbadd9 I don't wanna take away his life SIb LAb I don't wanna be a murderer SIb DOm Our love, his trust SIb/RE MIb LAb SIb I might as well take a gun and put it to his head LAbadd9 Get it over with DOm LAb FAm SIb I don't wanna do this anymore DOm LAb SIb Whoa, anymore DOm LAb FAm I don't wanna do this anymore SIb DOm I don't wanna be the reason why LAb SIb Every time I walk out the door FAm DOm I see him die a little more inside LAb FAm I don't wanna hurt him anymore SIb LAbadd9 I don't wanna take away his life SIb DOm LAb/DO DOm LAb/DO I don't wanna be a murderer LAb LAb6 A murderer LAb7+ SOL4 SOL No, no, no DOm Yeah, yeah
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Unfaithful: Video
Unfaithful è un brano interpretato e inciso da Rihanna, all'anagrafe Robyn Rihanna Fenty, contenuto nell'album A Girl like Me pubblicato nel 2006. Secondo lavoro in studio per la cantante delle Barbados, conferma il grande successo internazionale dell'esordio di pochi mesi prima a soli 18 anni. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dal disco e porta la firma del produttore statunitense Shaffer Chimere Smith, in arte Ne-Yo; il testo parla della consapevolezza di essere stati traditori e di aver fatto soffrire il proprio partner.
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