Fly by Night
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Fly by Night: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro (ripete): RE MIm7 DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA RE MIm7 Why try? I know why DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA The feeling inside me says it's time I was gone RE MIm7 Clear head, new life ahead DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA It's time I was king now not just one more pawn MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, away from here MIm7 RE LA Change my life again MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, goodbye my dear DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend RE MIm7 DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA RE MIm7 Moon rise, thoughtful eyes DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA Staring back at me from the window beside RE MIm7 No fright or hindsight DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA Leaving behind that empty feeling inside MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, away from here MIm7 RE LA Change my life again MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, goodbye my dear DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend RE MIm7 DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA RE MIm7 DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA RE MIm7 DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA RE MIm7 DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, away from here MIm7 RE LA Change my life again MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, goodbye my dear DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend RE Start a new chapter FA Find what I'm after SOL DO RE It's changing every day LAm The change of a season FA7+ Is enough of a reason SOL RE4 SOL To want to get away RE Quiet and pensive FA My thoughts apprehensive SOL DO RE The hours drift away LAm Leaving my homeland FA7+ Playing a lone hand SOL RE4 SOL My life begins today MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, away from here MIm7 RE LA Change my life again MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, goodbye my dear DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, away from here MIm7 RE LA Change my life again MIm7 RE DOadd9 SOL Fly by night, goodbye my dear DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend DOadd9 SOL/SI SOLm/SIb LA RE My ship isn't coming and I just can't pretend
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Fly by Night: Video
Fly by Night è un brano composto e inciso dai Rush, contenuto nell'album omonimo pubblicato nel 1975. Secondo disco di inediti per la band canadese, vede l'entrata in formazione del batterista Neil Peart andando a sostituire John Rutsey che abbandonava a causa di gravi problemi di diabete e quindi non era più in grado di sostenere le tournée. La canzone è il primo singolo estratto dall'album e porta la firma del frontman Geddy Lee; un pezzo che segna un netto cambiamento stilistico tra l'esordio e la carriera futura.
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