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The Lost Battalion: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
SIb Far from their land as they made their stand SOLm FA They stood strong and the legend still lives on... SOLm SOLm 1918 the great war rages on FA SOLm A battalion is lost in Argonne SIb Under fire there's nothing they can do FA SOLm There's no way, they can get a message through MIb FA RE/FA# SOLm FA/LA Suffer heavy losses as the battle carries on SIb DOm RE4 RE Liberty division standing stro---ng SOLm Far from their land as they made their stand MIb SIb FA A disregarded demand SOLm It's surrender or die and the stakes are high MIb SIb They live or they die, SOLm FA there's no time for goodbye SOLm Weapon in hand, they made their stand MIb SIb FA Still disregarding demand SOLm They would never comply, they would rather die MIb SIb Broke through the blockade, SOLm FA SOLm they were finally saved SOLm Friendly fire munitions running low FA The supplies, they were dropped upon their foe SOLm SIb 1918 the war still rages on FA SOLm The battalion still trapped in the Argonne MIb FA Chose not to surrender, RE/FA# SOLm FA/LA they chose victory or defeat SIb DOm RE4 RE Fallen brothers resting by their fe---et SOLm Far from their land as they made their stand MIb SIb FA A disregarded demand SOLm It's surrender or die and the stakes are high MIb SIb They live or they die, SOLm FA there's no time for goodbye SOLm Weapon in hand, they made their stand MIb SIb FA Still disregarding demand SOLm They would never comply, they would rather die MIb SIb Broke through the blockade, SOLm FA they were finally saved SIb FA/LA SOLm DOm SIb FA SIb FA/LA SOLm FA MIb FA SIb SIb Far from their land as they made their stand FA A disregarded demand SIb It's surrender or die and the stakes are high SOLm MIb FA Live or die, who cal tell there's no goodbye SIb With weapon in hand, they made their stand FA Still disregarding demand SIb They would never comply, they would rather die SOLm MIb FA They stood strong and the legend still lives on MIb FA Suffered heavy losses RE/FA# SOLm FA/LA through the great war they stood strong SIb DOm RE4 RE But the memory of the fallen still lives on SOLm Far from their land as they made their stand MIb SIb FA A disregarded demand SOLm It's surrender or die and the stakes are high MIb SIb They live or they die, SOLm FA there's no time for goodbye SOLm Weapon in hand, they made their stand MIb SIb FA Still disregarding demand SOLm They would never comply, they would rather die MIb SIb Broke through the blockade, SOLm FA SOLm they were finally saved
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



The Lost Battalion: Video

The Lost Battalion è un brano composto e inciso dai Sabaton, contenuto nell'album The Last Stand pubblicato nel 2016. Ottavo disco di inediti per la rockband svedese, è una sorta di concept album il cui tema portante è l'eroica resistenza di un gruppo esiguo di soldati contro un esercito più grande. La canzone è il primo singolo estratto dall'album e racconta di un evento della Prima Guerra Mondiale: un battaglione di 500 soldati statunitensi resiste sulle colline delle Argonne agli assalti dell'imponente esercito prussiano.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).