El Cóndor Pasa
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El Cóndor Pasa: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!MIm SOL I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail SOL Yes, I would DO SOL If I could SI7 MIm I surely would DO Away, I'd rather sail away SOL Like a swan that's here and gone DO A man gets tied up to the ground SOL He gives the world its saddest sound SI7 MIm It's saddest sound MIm SOL I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes, I would DO SOL If I only could SI7 MIm I surely would DO Away, I'd rather sail away SOL Like a swan that's here and gone DO A man gets tied up to the ground SOL He gives the world its saddest sound SI7 MIm It's saddest sound MIm SOL I'd rather be a forest than a street Yes, I would DO SOL If I could SI7 MIm I surely would DO Away, I'd rather sail away SOL Like a swan that's here and gone DO A man gets tied up to the ground SOL He gives the world its saddest sound SI7 MIm It's saddest sound MIm SOL I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet Yes, I would DO SOL If I only could SI7 MIm I surely would DO SOL DO SOL SI7 MIm
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El Cóndor Pasa: Video
El Cóndor Pasa è un brano celeberrimo inciso da Simon & Garfunkel, contenuto nell'album Bridge over Troubled Water pubblicato nel 1970. Quinto ed ultimo lavoro in studio per lo storico duo statunitense, riscuote grande successo internazionale aggiudicandosi nei decenni oltre 25 milioni di copie vendute. La canzone è un brano tradizionale peruviano scritto da Daniel Alomía Robles nel 1913, dove sulla melodia Paul Simon scrisse il nuovo testo in inglese. Uno dei brani più celebri al mondo.
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