Wasted Time
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Wasted Time: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: DOm SOLm7 SIb DOm LAbadd9 DOm7 SOL4 SOL DOm SOLm You and I together in our lives DOm LAb/DO Sacred ties would never fray DOm SOLm Then why can I let myself tell lies DOm LAb/DO And watch you die every day? SIb MIb SIb/RE I think back to the times DOm SIb When dreams were what mattered MIb SIb/RE DOm SIb SOLm Though talking youth naivete LAb DOm You said you'd never let me down MIb But the horse stampedes and rages SIb In the name of desperation MIb SIb DOm LAb Is it all just wasted time? MIb SIb Can you look at yourself SOLm When you think of what LAbadd9 You left behind? MIb SIb DOm LAb Is it all just wasted time? MIb SIb Can you look at yourself SOLm When you think of what LAbadd9 DOm9 DOm7 LAbadd9 SOL You left behind? DOm SOLm Paranoid delusions they haunt you DOm LAb Where's my friend I used to know? DOm SOLm He's all alone, he's buried deep within DOm LAb A carcass searching for a soul SIb MIb SIb/RE Can you feel me inside DOm SIb Your heart as it's bleeding MIb SIb/RE Why can't you believe DOm SIb SOLm LAb You can be loved DOm I hear you scream in agony MIb And the horse stampedes and rages SIb In the name of desperation MIb SIb DOm LAb Is it all just wasted time? MIb SIb Can you look at yourself SOLm When you think of what LAbadd9 You left behind? MIb SIb DOm LAb Is it all just wasted time? MIb SIb Can you look at yourself SOLm When you think of what LAbadd9 DOm SIb LAb SOL FA5 You left behi------------------nd? LAb SIb DOm Oh... LAb DOm LAb DOm LAb DOm MIb SIb MIb SIb/RE DOm SIb MIb SIb/RE DOm SIb LAb DOm You said you'd never let me down MIb But the horse stampedes and rages SIb In the name of desperation MIb SIb DOm LAb Is it all just wasted time? MIb SIb Can you look at yourself SOLm When you think of what LAbadd9 You left behind? MIb SIb DOm LAb Is it all just wasted time? MIb SIb Can you look at yourself SOLm When you think of what LAbadd9 SIb LAb You left be--hind? DOm The sun will rise again SIb/RE The earth will turn to sand MIb6 FA7/4 Creation's colors seem to fade to grey DOm And you'll see the silky hands of time SIb/RE Will write your final rhymeFAm DO SOL/SI LAm And end our memory... SOL Oh, no! DO I never thought you'd let it get SOL/SI LAm SOL this far, boy DO Oh, I never thought SOL/SI LAm I never thought you'd let it get this far, boy SOL Oh, no! DO I never thought SOL/SI LAm I never thought you'd let it get this far, boy SOL No! FA I never thought you'd let it get this far, boy
Autori: Lashawn Ameen Daniels, Harvey Jay Mason, Fred III Jerkins, Lionel B. Jr. RichieCopyright: © Universal Music - Mgb Songs, Fred Jerkins Publishing, Lbr Music, Wordiks Music, New Jersey Underground Music
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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Wasted Time: Video
Wasted Time è un brano composto e inciso dagli Skid Row, contenuto nell'album Slave to the Grind pubblicato nel 1991. Secondo lavoro in studio per la band del New Jersey, segna la loro svolta artistica verso il rock-heavy metal puro abbandonando ogni riferimento al pop-rock degli esordi. La canzone è la traccia di chiusura del disco ed il terzo singolo estratto; una power ballad dedicata al batterista Steven Adler, che mette insieme amicizia, rimpianto, tristezza e il fallace rimedio delle droghe.
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