I’m a Believer
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I’m a Believer: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: SOL7 DO/SOL SOL SOL RE7 SOL I thought love was only true in fairy tales RE7 SOL Meant for someone else, but not for me DO SOL Love was out to get me DO SOL That's the way it seemed DO SOL RE7 Disappointment haunted all my dreams SOL7 DO SOL And then I saw her face, DO SOL7 DO SOL now I'm a believer DO SOL7 DO SOL And not a trace, DO SOL7 DO SOL of doubt in my mind DO SOL DO SOL I'm in love, I'm a believer FA RE7/4 I couldn't leave her if I tried SOL RE7 SOL I thought love was more or less a givin' thing RE7 SOL The more I gave, the less I got, oh yeah DO SOL What's the use in tryin' DO SOL All you get is pain DO SOL RE7 When I wanted sunshine, I got rain SOL7 DO SOL And then I saw her face, DO SOL7 DO SOL now I'm a believer DO SOL7 DO SOL And not a trace, DO SOL7 DO SOL of doubt in my mind DO SOL DO SOL I'm in love, I'm a believer FA RE7/4 I couldn't leave her if I tried SOL RE7 SOL SOL RE7 SOL DO SOL What's the use of trying DO SOL All you get is pain DO SOL RE7 When I wanted sunshine, I got rain SOL7 DO SOL And then I saw her face, DO SOL7 DO SOL now I'm a believer DO SOL7 DO SOL And not a trace, DO SOL7 DO SOL of doubt in my mind DO SOL DO SOL I'm in love, I'm a believer FA RE7/4 I couldn't leave her if I tried SOL7 DO SOL And then I saw her face, DO SOL7 DO SOL now I'm a believer DO SOL7 DO SOL And not a trace, DO SOL7 DO SOL of doubt in my mind Now I'm a believer, yeah... SOL DO SOL DO SOL7 DO SOL Now I'm a believer DO SOL DO SOL DO SOL DO SOL Then I saw her face DO SOL7 DO SOL DO SOL7 DO SOL Now I'm a believer DO SOL DO SOL DO SOL DO SOL Not a trace DO SOL7 DO SOL Of doubt in my mind DO SOL7 DO SOL I'm a believer...
Generato su Accordi e Spartiti - www.accordiespartiti.it
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I’m a Believer: Video
I'm a Believer è un brano celebre reinterpretato dagli Smash Mouth, versione contenuta nell'album eponimo pubblicato nel 2001. Cover che la rock band californiana realizza per la colonna sonora del film d'animazione tra i più amati di sempre: il mitico orco verde Shrek! Le sue origini però risalgono agli inizi degli anni Sessanta, quando nasceva dalla penna del cantautore di New York Neil Diamond; la prima incisione fu nel 1966 ad opera dei Monkees, ma in Italia la conosciamo con il titolo Sono Bugiarda cantata da Caterina Caselli.
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