In the End
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In the End: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: FA7+ SOL LAm FA7+ SOL LAm LAm7 FA7+ SOL It's the price I guess LAm DO For the lies I've told FA7+ SOL LAm DO That the truth it no longer thrills me FA SOL And why can't we laugh? LAm DO When it's all we have FA SOL LAm DO Have we put these childish things away? FA SOL LAm DO Have we lost the magic that we once had? FA SOL LAm DO In the e-----nd, in the e------nd FA SOL There's nothing more to life than love, LAm7 DO is there? FA SOL LAm DO In the e-----nd, in the e-----nd FA SOL LAm7 DO It's time for us to lose our weary minds FA SOL Will you dance with me? LAm DO Like we used to dance FA SOL LAm DO And remember how to move together FA SOL You are the torch LAm DO And it all makes sense FA SOL LAm DO I've waited here for you forever FA SOL LAm DO I've waited here for you forever FA SOL LAm DO In the e-----nd, in the e------nd FA SOL There's nothing more to life than love, LAm7 DO is there? FA SOL LAm DO In the e-----nd, in the e-----nd FA SOL LAm DO It's time for us to lose our weary minds LAm SOL FA7+ LAm SOL FA7+ LAm DO7+ FA7+ We're lost 'til we learn how to ask LAm DO7+ FA7+ We're lost 'til we learn how to ask LAm DO7+ FA7+ We're lost 'til we learn how to ask LAm SOL FA So please, please just ask FA SOL LAm DO FA SOL LAm DO FA SOL LAm DO In the e-----nd, in the e------nd FA SOL There's nothing more to life than love, LAm DO is there? FA SOL LAm DO In the e-----nd, in the e-----nd FA SOL LAm DO It's time for us to lose our weary minds FA SOL There's nothing more to life than love, LAm DO is there? FA SOL LAm DO
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In the End: Video
In the End è un brano composto e inciso dagli Snow Patrol, contenuto nell'album Fallen Empires pubblicato nel 2011. Sesto disco di inediti per la band scozzese, riscuote ottimi consensi di pubblico a livello europeo e specialmente in Irlanda, dove raggiunge la vetta della classifica. La canzone è la decima traccia dell'album, un'intensa ballata pop-rock dal ritmo incalzante ed un impianto armonico-melodico di facile ascolto e riproduzione. Buon divertimento!
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