Ball And Chain
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Ball And Chain: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REb LAb SOLb REb REb LAb Well it's been ten years and a thousand tears SOLb REb And look at the mess I'm in LAb A broken nose and a broken heart, SOLb REb An empty bottle of gin LAb Well I sit and I pray SOLb REb In my broken down Chevrolet LAb While I'm singin' to myself SOLb REb There's got to be another way REb LAb Take away, take away SOLb REb Take away this ball and chain LAb Well I'm lonely and I'm tired SOLb REb And I can't take any more pain LAb Take away, take away SOLb REb Never to return again LAb Take away, take away SOLb Take away REb LAb SOLb REb Take away this ball and chain REb LAb Well I've searched and I've searched SOLb REb To find the perfect life LAb A brand new car and a brand new suit SOLb REb I even got me a little wife LAb But wherever I have gone SOLb REb I was sure to find myself there LAb You can run all your life SOLb REb But not go anywhere REb LAb Take away, take away SOLb REb Take away this ball and chain LAb Well I'm lonely and I'm tired SOLb REb And I can't take any more pain LAb Take away, take away SOLb REb Never to return again LAb Take away, take away SOLb Take away REb LAb SOLb REb Take away this ball and chain REb LAb SOLb REb REb LAb SOLb REb REb LAb Well I'll pass the bar on the way SOLb REb To my dingy hotel room LAb I spent all my money SOLb REb I've been drinkin' since half past noon LAb Well I'll wake there in the mornin' SOLb REb Or maybe in the county jail LAb Times are hard getting harder SOLb REb I'm born to lose and destined to fail REb LAb Take away, take away SOLb REb Take away this ball and chain LAb Well I'm lonely and I'm tired SOLb REb And I can't take any more pain LAb Take away, take away SOLb REb Never to return again LAb Take away, take away SOLb Take away REb LAb SOLb REb Take away this ball and chain REb LAb SOLb REb
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Ball And Chain: Video
Ball And Chain è un brano scritto e inciso dai Social Distortion, contenuto nell'album eponimo pubblicato nel 1990. Terzo lavoro in studio per la band californiana, riscuote ottimo successo per un'esponente dell'"Alternative rock", grazie anche a questa canzone. Testo e musica sono opera del frontman Mike Ness: una tipica ballata pop-rock targata "west-coast" perfetta per la chitarra.
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