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Prison Bound: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# Well, I'm goin' to a place DO# where the tough guys go RE#m DO# SI and come out even tougher. FA# A place where a man DO# don't show his feelings RE#m DO# SI a place where a man don't cry. FA# Well, they say I'm bein' punished DO# and they say I can be reformed RE#m DO# SI but some day I'll re- turn. FA# Did they really think DO# that this time it'd work RE#m DO# SI you knew all along it wouldn't. FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI I did a crime one too many times. FA# It's on the outskirts of town DO# by the railroad tracks RE#m DO# SI where the country moon shines. FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI tell my girl I'll be back one day. FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI I may never know any other.. FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI any other way FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI any other way FA# Well, they've taken away my freedom DO# of expression or action RE#m DO# SI Johnny says I'll walk the line FA# with three hots and a cot DO# and a lot of talk RE#m DO# SI with lock-up concrete and steel. FA# Well, It's cold and it's clammy DO# man it's colder than a pimp's heart RE#m DO# SI but I gotta do my time. FA# There's a lesson to be learned here DO# but what a price to pay RE#m DO# SI you know, I may never learn FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI I did a crime one too many times. FA# It's on the outskirts of town DO# by the railroad tracks RE#m DO# SI where the country moon shines. FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI tell my girl I'll be back one day. FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI I may never know any other.. FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI any other way FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI any other way FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI I did a crime one too many times. FA# It's on the outskirts of town DO# by the railroad tracks RE#m DO# SI where the country moon shines. FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI tell my girl I'll be back one day. FA# DO# Oh, I'm prison bound RE#m DO# SI I may never know any other.. FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI any other way..... FA# DO# RE#m DO# SI any other way..... FA# DO# RE#m SI FA# any other way
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Prison Bound: Video

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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).