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Eet: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro: SIbm7/4 LAb/DO REb SOLb SIbm7/4 LAb/DO REb SOLb SIbm7/4 LAb/DO It's like forgetting REb SOLb The words to your favorite song SIbm7/4 LAb/DO You can't believe it REb SOLb You were always singing along SIbm7/4 LAb/DO It was so easy REb SOLb And the words so sweet SIbm7/4 LAb/DO You can't remember REb SOLb You try to feel a beat SOLb/SIb SOLb LAb4 LAb Eeet eeeet eeet SOLb/SIb SOLb LAb4 LAb Eeet eeeet eeet SIbm7/4 LAb/DO You spend half of your life REb SOLb Trying to fall behind SIbm7/4 LAb/DO You're using your headphones REb SOLb To drown out your mind SIbm7/4 LAb/DO It was so easy REb SOLb And the words so sweet SIbm7/4 LAb/DO You can't remember REb SOLb You try to move your feet SOLb/SIb SOLb LAb4 LAb Eeet eeeet eeet SOLb/SIb SOLb LAb SOLb/SIb LAb7/DO Eeet eeeet et et et REb SOLb/SIb LAb REb REb7+ REb6 REb7+ SOLb SOLb7+ SOLb6 SOLb7+ REb REb7+ REb6 REb7+ SOLb SOLb7+ SOLb6 SOLb7+ SIbm7/4 LAb4 Someone's deciding REb SOLb Whether or not to steal SIbm7/4 LAb4 He opens a window REb SOLb Just to feel the chill SIbm7/4 LAb/DO He hears that outside REb SOLb A small boy just started to cry SIbm7/4 'Cause it's his turn LAb/DO REb But his brother won't let him try REb REb7+ REb6 REb7+ SOLb SOLb7+ SOLb6 SOLb7+ REb REb7+ REb6 REb7+ SOLb SOLb7+ SOLb6 SOLb7+ SIbm7/4 LAb4 It's like forgetting REb SOLb The words to your favorite song SIbm7/4 LAb4 You can't believe it REb SOLb You were always singing along SIbm7/4 LAb/DO It was so easy REb SOLb And the words so sweet SIbm7/4 LAb/DO You can't remember REb SOLb You try to move your feet SIbm7/4 LAb/DO It was so easy REb SOLb And the words so sweet SIbm7/4 LAb/DO You can't remember REb SOLb You try to feel the beat-t-t-t-t-t
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Eet: Video

Eet è un brano scritto e interpretato da Regina Spektor, contenuto nell'album Far pubblicato nel 2009. Quinto disco di inediti per la cantautrice russa, è il frutto molte ed importanti collaborazioni definite da lei stessa "Lezioni con i professori preferiti": si parla infatti di Jacknife Lee, Jeff Lynne... La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album, una delicata ed elegante ballata in stile cantautorale in cui il pianoforte è il protagonsita dell'arrangiamento.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).