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Who Do You Think You Are: Chords

10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!
Intro (ripete): FA#m7 SI FA#m7 FA#m7 SI FA#m7 The race is on to get out of the bottom SI FA#m7 The top is high so your roots are forgotten SI FA#m7 Giving is good as long as you're getting SI FA#m7 What's driving you is ambition I'm betting SOL7+ SIm7/9 I said who do you think you are (do you think you are) SOL7+ I said who SIm7 Some kind of superstar SOL7+ You have got to FA#m7 SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show me how good you are SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show how good you are FA#m7 SI FA#m7 You're swelling out in the wrong direction SI FA#m7 You've got the bug superstar you've been bitten SI FA#m7 Your trumpet's blowing for far too long SI FA#m7 SOL7+ Climbing the snake up the ladder but you're wrong SIm7 I said who do you think you are (do you think you are) SOL7+ I said who SIm7 Some kind of superstar SOL7+ You have got to FA#m7 SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show me how good you are SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show how good you are... FA#m7 You have got to reach on up Never lose your soul FA#m7 SI6 FA#m7 SI6 You have got to reach on up FA#m7 SI6 FA#m7 SI6 Never lose control SOL7+ SIm7 I said who do you think you are (do you think you are) SOL7+ I said who SIm7 Some kind of superstar SOL7+ You have got to FA#m7 SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show me how good you are SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show how good you are FA#m7 SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show me how good you are SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show how good you are FA#m7 SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it FA#m7 Show me how good you are SI Swing it shake it move it make it FA#m7 Who do you think you are SI Trust it use it prove it groove it Show me how good you are Groove it
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!



Who Do You Think You Are: Video

Who Do You Think You Are è un brano interpretato e inciso dalle Spice Girls, contenuto nell'album Spice pubblicato nel 1996. Disco d'esordio per il quintetto rosa nato a Londra, fu ribattezzato l'album della "Spicemania"., citando il fenomeno avvenuto trent'anni prima con i conterranei Beatles per spiegare un successo planetario! La canzone è l'ultimo singolo estratto e porta le firme di Andy Watkins e Kim Wilson; nato per essere l'inno ufficiale della "Comic Relief", associazione di beneficenza in aiuto ai bambini poveri.


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L'autore del post

Foto dell'autore
Alberto Moneti
36 anni, polistrumentista: pianoforte, chitarra, batteria, clarinetto. Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. Dal 1997 è organista presso la Basilica di Santa Maria del Sasso, a Bibbiena (AR).