I’ll Never Let You Go
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I’ll Never Let You Go: Chords
10+ Trucchi per memorizzare le note sulla Chitarra. Scarica Gratis l'Ebook!Intro: REbadd9 SOLb SI REb SOLb SI REb REbdd9 Angel eyes You have angel eyes SOLb SI REb SOLb SI REb Such a smile that lights up my life oh You're a dream come true Now I'm holding you SOLb SI REb And I'll never, never let you go SOLb SI REb I will never let you go SOLb SIadd9 SOLb/SIb REb First time I laid my eyes upon you SOLb SIadd9 SOLb/SIb REb All my dreams were answered SOLb SIadd9 SOLb/SIb REb First time I kissed your tender lips SOLb SI SOLb/SIb REb My love to you I surrendered... LAb MI SOLb LAb Oh... MI SOLb REb LAb I'll never let you go SOLb REb You're always on my mind You're the only one for me LAb You're all I need SOLb REb And I'll never, never let you go REbadd9 SOLb SI REb REbadd9 Angel eyes My heart relies SOLb SI REb On the love you give to me You never let me down You're always by my side SOLb SI REb And I'll never, never let you go SOLb SI REb I will never let you go SOLb SIadd9 SOLb/SIb REb When my heart starts to crumble SOLb SIadd9 SOLb/SIb REb And the tears start to fall SOLb SIadd9 SOLb/SIb REb You hold me close with tender lovin' SOLb SIadd9 SOLb/SIb REb And give me strength to carry on LAb MI SOLb LAb Oh... MI SOLb REb LAb I'll never let you go SOLb REb You're always on my mind You're the only one for me LAb You're all I need SOLb REb And I'll never, never let you go LAb I'll never let you go SOLb REb You're always on my mind You're the only one for me LAb You're all I need SOLb REb And I'll never, never let you go oh ooh LAb SOLb REb Ah... REb LAb SOLb REb And I'll never, never let you... go
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I’ll Never Let You Go: Video
I'll Never Let You Go è un brano composto e inciso dagli Steelheart, contenuto nell'album eponimo pubblicato nel 1990. Si tratta del debutto discografico per la band del Connecticut, che fino alle prime fasi di lavorazione si chiamava Red Alert... per poi scoprire che esisteva già un gruppo omonimo preveniente dal Canada. La canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall'album e porta la firma del cantante Miljenko Matijevic; una power ballad diventata uno dei loro cavalli di battaglia.
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